David Mantik critiques the Discovery Channel Inside the Target Car's forensic analysis from the standpoint of what was not addressed at all.
Joseph Green calls upon the community of assassination researchers to find common ground, outlining a set of ten elements which can be agreed upon and which should be used in public pronouncements and to inform their organizational capacity.
How President Obama's Supreme Court nominee and a clique of judges saved Gerald Posner, Bob Loomis, and the Warren Report, by Roger Bruce Feinman, J.D.
The DVD has new and fascinating information in it. And it also reveals just how hard the forces of the cover-up must work to keep the autopsy evidence in this case in check, writes Jim DiEugenio.
Jim DiEugenio provides an advance reaction to Brothers in Arms, by Gus Russo and Stephen Molton, as announced in an article in American Heritage magazine.
Russell, with the help of Hulme, did a much better job of telling the story of Nagell in 2003 than he did in 1992, writes Jim DiEugenio.
An anthology of over forty chapters which spans many years of contributions, but the number of essays that are really important, insightful, and worth preserving is small, writes Jim DiEugenio.
Jim DiEugenio discusses reactions to his review of Lamar Waldron's Legacy of Secrecy.
Author Philip Sheridan reviews the film "inspired by" the Mary Meyer story and directed by William Olsson.
One of the most puzzling things about Ultimate Sacrifice is that some have actually taken it seriously. Peter Scott has said it is well documented. My question to Peter: Well-documented with what? Frank Ragano and Ed Partin? If you don't analyze the footnotes you might be impressed, writes Jim DiEugenio.
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