Displaying items by tag: MEDIA

Friday, 23 August 2013 20:21

Elegy for Roger Feinman

One definition of the heroic is someone who sacrifices his own personal well being for a cause outside himself. Knowing full well that the odds against him triumphing are very high. Roger took that heroic gamble. Not once, but twice. He lost both times. Few of us, maybe no one, could display that kind of courage for a cause, writes Jim DiEugenio.

Published in Obituaries
Saturday, 13 April 2013 15:16

Citizen Wilcke Dissents

The author presents here a translation of the exchange of letters between herself and the station chief of the network which broadcast in Germany the abominable Michael Shermer production, "Conspiracy Rising."

Published in Letters

In reaction to her appeal to the Warren Commission's lone gunman conclusions in order to promote gun control legislation.

Jim DiEugenio reports on how the MSM's Charlie Rose reacted to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s statements concerning his uncle's assassination, and how the filmed interview was subsequently withheld from the public.

Published in News Items
Tuesday, 28 August 2012 14:18

Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory on JFK

Seamus Coogan looks at the way the series Conspiracy Theory handled the JFK case, and ponders why it was not what it could have been.

Frank Cassano on the Canadian Broadcasting Company's documentary and its message that “conspiracy theorists threaten democracy”.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011 18:36

The Lost Bullet: Max Holland Gets Lost In Space

This farce of a program proves that, as with the three old main networks, the cable TV channels are almost pathologically incapable of telling anything close to the truth about Kennedy’s assassination. All the rules of journalism are now thrown out the window ... with no one exercising any kind of fact checking or standards review, laments Jim DiEugenio.

More journalistic connections to the CIA are examined by Bill Kelly, in particular those of Hugh Aynesworth, Priscilla Johnson and Gordon McLendon.

It is apparent that the roots to many of the black propaganda operations related to Dealey Plaza, especially those that try to falsely implicate Castro in the assassination, stem back to David Atlee Phillips, one of Linebarger’s protégés, writes Bill Kelly.

A look at the journalists on the ground in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963.

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