Whatever the forces behind these new twists, Judge Brown has now effectively joined the ranks of Jim Garrison and Richard Sprague as those too passionate in their efforts to find the truth about the assassinations of the sixties, writes Jim DiEugenio.
Jim DiEugenio writes about Judge Joe Brown and the possibility of a new trial for Martin Luther King assassin James Earl Ray.
A report on some of the ongoing media reaction to the King-Pepper-Ray trial.
An early report on Dexter King's meeting with James Earl Ray, which led eventually to the civil trial in Memphis in which the jury confirmed the latter's innocence in the shooting of Martin Luther King.
Dexter King's call for a new trial exonerating James Earl Ray for the death of his father.
Lisa Pease chronicles the family of Martin Luther King stepping from the shadows of their own long-held doubts to call for a near hearing of evidence in the killing of the great leader.
Lisa Pease looks back over the vicissitudes in the story of Ray's convinction, incarceration and requests for retrial.
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