The first part of Lisa Pease's masterful review of the RFK assassination case, which focuses on the evidence as it relates to the gun, bullets and Special Exhibit 10.
On Wednesday, June 18, 1997, Sirhan Bishara Sirhan stunned a parole board by declaring publicly that he now believes he is innocent of the crime for which he is incarcerated, reports Lisa Pease.
Superficially based on errors and incompetence within the Los Angeles Police Department, in actuality, [Scott Enyart v. City of Los Angeles] bore as little relation to accident and error as Robert Kennedy's murder was owed to the act of an "angry and disoriented Palestinian," writes David Manning.
Revelations concerning the charges of obstruction of justice, subornation of perjury and cover-up in the RFK case, along with the first public viewing of the nine-shot, .22 caliber revolver owned by Cesar and found after 25 years in an Arkansas pond.
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