Displaying items by tag: RFK ASSASSINATION

Written and produced
by Len Osanic & Jeff Carter

Episode 9 is now available.

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Episode 5Episode 4Episode 3
Episode 2Episode 1


Published in General
Thursday, 12 April 2018 20:53

RFK Acoustics Evidence (2007)

This 2007 Discovery Channel documentary explores the audio evidence in the Robert F. Kennedy assassination and how it reveals a second gunman at the Ambassador Hotel.

Published in Videos & Interviews
Wednesday, 11 April 2018 19:15

Does Paul Street get paid for this junk?

Jim DiEugenio carefully takes apart and corrects another misguided and misinformed attempt by Paul Street to characterize JFK as economically anti-progressive, complicit with southern racists, and a militarist abroad.

Thursday, 08 March 2018 22:17

Ted Charach, The Second Gun


During this, the 50th anniversary of Senator Robert Kennedy's assassination, we wish to raise awareness of his life and death. We thus follow our posting of Joseph Palermo's interview with a link to  Ted Charach's The Second Gun.

(Click image for video link)

By Marta Steele, At: OpEd News

Published in News Items
Thursday, 15 June 2017 19:42

Requiem for Rose Lynn Mangan

In the words of Jim DiEugenio:  We all owe Rose Lynn Mangan a salute upon her passing. She worked the primary evidence in the RFK case like no one else did.

Published in Obituaries
Thursday, 06 April 2017 21:20

Carmine Savastano, Two Princes and a King

Continuing in the direction marked out by The Assassinations (2003), this book is the latest contribution toward an interpretation of the assassinations of JFK, MLK and RFK not as isolated incidents but as related to each other.  Savastano has designed the book as something of a primer, a way of getting the lay person interested in all three of these momentous murders, writes Jim DiEugenio.

Published in General

Paul Schrade and Allard Lowenstein discuss the 1968 assassination of Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy in Los Angeles, particularly focusing upon the need to reopen the case to uncover the real events. Broadcast on KPFK, 13 Jan. 1973. Transcription courtesy of David Giglio, Our Hidden History.

With this book, we finally have a record of one of the very, very few mainstream reporters who actually delved into one of the assassinations of the sixties. Who tried to do an honest job and who actually tried to follow the evidence wherever it was headed, writes Jim DiEugenio.



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