William E. Kelly, Jr., at: JFKcountercoup
Gary Aguilar MD and with Cyril Wecht MD, JD continue their expose of the fraud perpetrated on peer reviewed journals by Warren Commission Apologists in focusing on the strange case of an intended 3-part article in the journal Neurosurgery in which the irregular influence and collaboration of Larry Sturdivan was easily revealed in a thorough refutation of the contents of the first two parts. Part 3 was never published.
Demonstrating how so much pro-government nonsense has gotten through peer review and into scientific journals, Gary Aguilar MD and Cyril Wecht MD, JD, expose the cherry-picking and outright deception in pseudo-science articles from Warren Commission apologists like Luis Alvarez, John Lattimer, Larry Sturdivan, Lucien Haag, Michael Haag, Ken Rahn, and Nicholas Nalli.
Matt Douthit reviews Fred Litwin’s book, I Was a Teenage JFK Conspiracy Freak, chapter-by-chapter with respect to the facts of the case as they stand today.
Matt Douthit reviews the 2019 self-produced documentary Truth Is the Only Client, streaming now on Amazon Prime, and finds it has essentially tried to take the modern and improved Oswald-did-it narrative from Vincent Bugliosi and Gerald Posner and then declare the Warren Commission way back in 1964 got it right after all.
Randy Robertson examines Josiah Thompson’s new book chapter-by-chapter with an emphasis on the acoustic and medical evidence and finds that, despite its flaws, Last Second in Dallas presents new incontrovertible evidence of conspiracy.
James Moore picks up where Steven Gillon left off and Jim DiEugenio puts him through the same treatment, decimating the false equivalence of QAnon conspiracy fantasies and JFK historical research. Jim makes the case that QAnon is at best a myth and at worst a hoax, while throughout the JFK case one can find definite evidentiary conclusions.
Litiwn’s Follies Continued: Starring Hugh Aynesworth and Harry Connick. With smear jobs on Oliver Stone, Fletcher Prouty and Michele Metta. And guess what? LBJ’s own recorded words don’t mean anything, because Johnson was continuing Kennedy’s policy in Vietnam.
Litwin’s Follies about Pierre FInck, Shaw/Bertrand, the FBI cover-up of Clay Shaw, the lies of Kerry Thornley, and James Angleton’s Black Tape operation.
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