

Wednesday, 23 January 2019 22:56

The Murder of Hammarskjold

Probe was twenty years ahead of the mainstream in discussing the importance of the Congo struggle and the possibility Hammarskjold's plane was shot down.

Thursday, 22 November 2018 01:40

JFK Assassination: Still Searching for Answers

WhoWhatWhy hosts a podcast produced for The Ripple Effect featuring Russ Baker, Jefferson Morley and Jim DiEugenio. 

Tuesday, 20 November 2018 19:56

The Past American Century

Mike Swanson has inaugurated a new website, The Past American Century, to host materials on the JFK assassination and other topics.

Check out this recent video on the Schlesinger memo from June, 1961 about eliminating/restructuring the CIA.

Bernard Wilds’ site of freely available, restored and re-compiled PDFs collected from the internet, has a new home.

Go to JFKRestore (

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