

Wednesday, 11 July 2018 21:42

The RFK Tapes

the rfk tapesAn audio documentary series by William Klaber and Zac Stuart-Pontier that examines the 1968 assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. (Click image for link)

On JFK secrecy, Brett Kavanaugh sides with the CIA

By Jefferson Morley, at:JFK Facts

Freely available: restored and re-compiled PDFs collected from the internet.

By Bernard Wilds, webmaster for Dealey Plaza UK, at: JFKRestore

Friday, 08 June 2018 20:56

A&E Reports: RFK Assassination

rfkplumleyShown only once, this episode of A&E Investigative Reports makes the case for CIA involvement in the Assassination of Robert F Kennedy.


(Click image for video link)

Wednesday, 06 June 2018 17:26

RFK – Fifty Years Later

By Donald Jeffries, at: Keeping It Unreal

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