One of the most respected researchers and writers on the political assassinations of the 1960s, Jim DiEugenio is the author of two books, Destiny Betrayed (1992/2012) and The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today (2018), co-author of The Assassinations, and co-edited Probe Magazine (1993-2000). See "About Us" for a fuller bio.
Jim DiEugenio reveals what CNN had to cover up about JFK and RFK in order to make this six-part series (with updates including new information since the first airing).
Jim DiEugenio takes a scathing look at the various MSM efforts (in particular that of Time-Life) during the past few months to “keep the lid screwed down tight” on the Pandora’s box of U.S. political assassination in the 60s.
Jim DiEugenio shows how the major media twists and distorts the evidence to downplay the incredible significance that a jury found that there had been a conspiracy to assassinate Dr. Martin Luther King, and that Loyd Jowers was involved.
In this dense and expertly synthesized review, Jim DiEugenio shows how more recent evidence has caused our understanding of the Tippit murder and its relationship to the assassination to evolve.
Jim DiEugenio carefully takes apart and corrects another misguided and misinformed attempt by Paul Street to characterize JFK as economically anti-progressive, complicit with southern racists, and a militarist abroad.
Once again, the factual basis of Chomsky's statements is allowed to go unchecked by his interviewers, as Jim DiEugenio demonstrates in yet another critique of his praxis of historical elision and distortion.
The strength of the book lies in the tracing of the Oswald files through the CIA under Angleton’s dominion. No book on Angleton has done this before. And that is certainly a commendable achievement. Hopefully, this will become a staple of future Angleton scholarship, writes Jim DiEugenio.
CounterPunch is at times a valuable journal. But apparently they cannot outgrow the legacy of Alec Cockburn. What he represented on Kennedy and Vietnam was a gross distortion of historical fact, which is a shame when it’s done by the Left as well as the Right, laments Jim DiEugenio.
Jim DiEugenio responds to a recent hit piece which uses Joe Kennedy III's State of the Union reply as a platform from which to launch yet another doctrinaire and uninformed attack on JFK and RFK, claiming that the latter's grandson is just another "false progressive idol" like his great uncle.
Jim DiEugenio responds to Max Holland's preposterous lament that the MSM was guilty of much ado about nothing by spending an unwarranted two weeks covering the recent NARA releases of JFK documents.
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