Arnaldo M. Fernandez is a former lecturer (1997-2003) of Philosophy and History of Law at the University of Havana. He earned a Masters Degree in Journalism and taught Interpretative Journalism (2005-2010) at the Koubek Center, U. Miami. He has published a book (in Spanish) about the death of Cuban patriot José Marti (Miami, Cuban New Press, 2005). Regarding JFK research, he focuses on the Cuban connection in order to debunk the "Castro did it" and "Castro knew it" theses.
Bob Baer announces his "Shenonism" by presenting long-known facts as somehow exciting new findings. He then conveys them to the viewer as a big deal, because the Warren Commission couldn’t grasp them. Baer simply overlooks or—even worse—sweeps under the carpet all the sound research performed after the JFK Records Act, writes Arnaldo Fernandez.
What the Bishop-Veciana-Oswald connection may actually have involved could be hidden among the 1,100 long-suppressed CIA records related to the JFK assassination, including four of Phillips’ operational files and Veciana’s routing and record sheet, conjectures Prof. Fernandez.
Writing of his gratuitous ignorance of the facts of the JFK case, Prof. Fernandez asserts that "[James] Piereson likes to walk among ghosts", and that he is joined in this by Regnery Publishing, which has muddied the Castro-did-it waters with the issue of Robert Wilcox's Target JFK.
Arnaldo follows up his original critique of Shenon's book with a reply to the article published in Politico on October 6, 2015.
None of the Shenon's sources brought a single quantum of proof for turning plausible his Castro hypothesis. Their suspicions, impressions, beliefs, admissions, second-hand tales, and suggestions are linked to long-ago debunked stories. For sticking with them along the substantiation of his hypothesis, Shenon must concoct [various] 'facts', writes Arnaldo Fernandez.
Arnaldo Fernandez takes a (skeptical) look at the Herminio Diaz story.
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