Displaying items by tag: JFK

Thursday, 13 January 2011 01:48

8 Crazy Scenes From The Kennedys

Published in News Items
Monday, 29 November 2010 19:58

Gordon Goldstein, Lessons in Disaster

Although [Bundy] thought [Halberstam's The Best and the Brightest] was an entertaining and informative read, he concluded that the central thesis was just wrong. It was not the advisers—the best and brightest—who did the staff work who got us into the Vietnam War. It was the difference in the men who occupied the Oval Office. It was the difference between Kennedy and Johnson, writes Jim DiEugenio.

Monday, 29 November 2010 19:45

James Blight, Virtual JFK (Part 2)

The book is well worth buying. In my view, it closes the chapter on a debate that has been going on since 1992. As shown here, it's a debate that should have never started, concludes Jim DiEugenio.

Monday, 29 November 2010 19:38

James Blight, Virtual JFK (Part 1)

I actually wish the film had been longer so it could incorporate more of [the] facts and more of the revelations of the Assassination Records Review Board, since these all but closed the book on this ersatz debate about JFK and Vietnam, writes Jim DiEugenio.

Sunday, 14 November 2010 20:39

Jim Douglass Interview

On JFK and the Unspeakable, in five parts (YouTube); with Lisa Pease and Oliver Stone

Published in Videos & Interviews
Saturday, 16 October 2010 15:30

Hatchet-Job TV (Cartoon)

Richard Bartholomew satirizes the History Channel's "The Kennedys".

Published in Humor

At the start ... everyone had high hopes for the blogosphere. We believed that without the pervading pressure of corporate sponsorship, without the inevitable ties to government officials at higher levels, this was a great opportunity to return American journalism to the days that the late Angus McKenzie recalled in his book Secrets. ... So far, it hasn't happened, laments Jim DiEugenio.

Published in General
Wednesday, 30 April 2008 19:38

ABC, JFK, and the Road to Philadelphia

The sorry performance of the media in pre-loading the 2008 presidential debate in Philadelphia comes as no surprise to those who have followed how they have treated topics like the John F. Kennedy presidency in the past, writes Jim DiEugenio.

Tuesday, 15 April 2008 15:46

Hamsher, Moulitsas, Marshall: State of Denial

By not referencing the Smith piece, Hamsher can keep her readers misinformed and thereby attack Kennedy on false pretenses, replies Jim DiEugenio.

Published in News Items

A family that was good enough for the likes of Cesar Chavez and Martin Luther King isn't good enough for Jane Hamsher and Markos Moulitsas. And, in lockstep, their unthinking followers write fake letters to the New York Times, writes Jim DiEugenio.

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