Displaying items by tag: JFK

Sunday, 13 June 2021 22:00

Michael Kazin and the NY Review vs JFK

Jim DiEugenio redresses the historical and academic dishonesty of Michael Kazin’s thinly veiled screed against President John F. Kennedy under the guise of a review of a biography that only covers his life through 1956 by meticulously articulating the facts of Kennedy's domestic and foreign policy positions.

Saturday, 01 May 2021 19:00

Why the Vietnam War? by Michael Swanson

With an eye toward the Indochina machinations inherited by President John F. Kennedy, Jim DiEugenio reviews the new book Why the Vietnam War? by Michael Swanson, who foreshadows the fact that Kennedy was trapped by his own advisors and how his removal would lead to an epic tragedy.

Published in General
Saturday, 17 April 2021 23:00

Fred Litwin Smooches Clay Shaw’s Lawyers

Jim DiEugenio calls into question the credibility of Fred Litwin’s primary sources for his book On the Trail of Delusion by exposing the clear deceptions of Clay Shaw’s lawyers regarding Shaw’s long-standing connection to the Central Intelligence Agency.

Malcolm Blunt may, in fact, be the most important little-known JFK researcher of our generation. Jim DiEugenio uses this review of Alan Dale’s excellent new oral history, The Devil is in the Details, to survey Malcolm’s crucial contributions to the evidence that has been exposed today and to pay tribute to his tireless, selfless, and insightful work.

Friday, 05 March 2021 08:12

President Kennedy and the Third World

Jim DiEugenio, at:  The Future of Freedom Foundation

Published in News Items

Jim DiEugenio guest authors an article for CovertAction magazine, wherein he demonstrates that the Kennedy administration engaged with socialist and non-aligned leaders like Nasser and Sukarno, supported diplomatic solutions to conflict through the UN, stood up to European imperial agents, and was generally against right-wing coups and military intervention. In light of these foreign policies, the presidency and assassination of John Kennedy need to be reevaluated.

Saturday, 16 January 2021 18:45

James Saxon and John Kennedy vs. Wall Street

Jim DiEugenio examines President John F. Kennedy's economic policy and his relationship to the American Power Elite by reviewing Donald Gibson’s ground-breaking 1994 book, Battling Wall Street, and the role by played by James J. Saxon, his Comptroller of the Currency, in attempting to implement that policy.

Friday, 15 January 2021 21:30

Neil Sheehan: In Retrospect

Jim DiEugenio reviews this Establishment-honored journalist's career, stating: “If our readers are looking for an adulatory or commemorative eulogy of Sheehan, they should go over to the NY Times. It won’t be found here.”

Published in Obituaries
Monday, 21 December 2020 04:51

An Open Letter from James DiEugenio

The MSM is at it again, so Jim DiEugenio writes an open letter to Joe Scarborough, Annette Gordon-Reed, Fredrik Logevall, Van Jones, Kevin Young, and Steven Gillon to correct recent gross distortions of President Kennedy's record on civil rights. He also refers them to his landmark 4-part series examining and exposing this great corruption of history.

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