The MSM is at it again, so Jim DiEugenio writes an open letter to Joe Scarborough, Annette Gordon-Reed, Fredrik Logevall, Van Jones, Kevin Young, and Steven Gillon to correct recent gross distortions of President Kennedy's record on civil rights. He also refers them to his landmark 4-part series examining and exposing this great corruption of history.
Jim DiEugenio reviews Vincent Bevins new book The Jakarta Method by demonstrating how he fitted the facts to a pre-conceived narrative rather than fairly considering the actual facts regarding the development of the Cold War and JFK’s foreign policy.
Jim DiEugenio continues his thorough exposition of John F. Kennedy’s foreign policy in this article by focusing on Egypt’s Abdel Nasser, Israel’s Ben Gurion, and the Middle East, where Kennedy wanted to appeal to forces he considered moderate, in hope of spreading the elements of moderation—republics, socialism, free education—throughout the Middle East.
Chuck Marler compiles evidence of conspiracy in the assassination of John F. Kennedy and narrates a presentation of this evidence.
Black Op Radio interviews Jim DiEugenio, Christopher Sharrett, John Kelin, Gary Schoener, Vincent Feldman, Max Good, Marty Schotz, Dave Ratcliffe, and Michael Morrissey to obtain their thoughts and remembrances at the passing of Vincent Salandria on August 23, 2020.
Now that Soledad O’Brien’s podcast, Murder on the Towpath, has aired all 8 episodes, Jim DiEugenio breaks down the series, revealing the misinformation and dubious witnesses used to construct her false narrative that Mary Pinchot Meyer was killed as a result of a conspiracy.
With a new documentary and a new autobiography coming out, Oliver Stone is once again being met, in advance, by trolls intent on burying the truth of JFK’s foreign policy and his assassination. Jim DiEugenio exposes this plain hackery in examining the recent claims of Tom Fordy and Howie Carr.
Paul Bleau reviews Gary Hill’s new book, The Other Oswald: A Wilderness of Mirrors, and assesses the new evidence that suggests Robert Webster and Lee Harvey Oswald both had links to the MKULTRA mind control program. As Gary reveals his evaluation of the JFK assassination after more than 50 years of research, Paul breaks down the good and the bad in his overall case.
Jim DiEugenio reviews the history of Politico in supporting the two-party status quo and then dissects sportswriter Peter Keating’s article, “How JFK Paved the Way for Donald Trump,” as uninformed and counter-factual.
As Soleded O’Brien launches her 8-part podcast on the murder of Mary Meyer entitled Murder on the Towpath, Jim DiEugenio recalls her work on the Martin Luther King, Jr. assassination case and introduces a special 9-part series here on KennedysAndKing. We will post a Mary Meyer article each week of the podcast and then Jim will write a summary on the ninth week.
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