by The Associated Press, at:
We publish here a noteworthy interview Jim Garrison gave to a European publication on May 27, 1969, in which he draws attention to, among other things, the connection between the assassinations of JFK, MLK and RFK.
Once again, the so-called progressive alternative media attempts—this time via the unfounded asseverations of a former West Point faculty member—to depict JFK as a typical Cold Warrior and an ineffectual president on all fronts. As usual, Jim DiEugenio demolishes the argument.
By Greg Grandin, At: The Nation
Carrying forward his response to Fred Litwin on Garrison, Jim DiEugenio turns his unrelenting critical eye on Quillette, an organ of the alt-right which not only published an article based on Litwin's book, but also a follow-up piece with a similar title by one its editors, Jamie Palmer.
“Anytime someone goes after Garrison, I will be there,” Jim DiEugenio has assured us. So it is with the latest attempt, this time by Fred Litwin, to recirculate those all-too-familiar, stale media smears and untruths without any reference to the revelations of the ARRB.
We are pleased to reprint here an excerpt from an MA thesis, The Imperial Imperative: John F Kennedy and US Foreign Relations, presented at University of Kent at Canterbury, which the author has graciously shared with us.
Jim DiEugenio reviews the career of this amazing economist, statesman, academician and author, with a particular view to his close and important rapport with John Kennedy, an advisory relationship unjustly underplayed or erased by writers such as David Halberstam.
He leaned on JFK to stay out of Vietnam. Had Kennedy survived, might history have been different?
By Mark Perry, At: The American Conservative
In response to a recent article which he characterizes as “a compendium of every MSM caricature of Garrison and his Kennedy case that one can imagine”, Jim DiEugenio revisits the New Orleans DA's career and his JFK case, and what the ARRB and subsequent research has revealed about it.
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