About the first fifty pages of Undeniable Truths is pretty much undeniable. The next fifty pages are a decided mixture of truth and question marks. Most of the last 200 pages do not at all merit the title. In fact, that part is, in large measure, nothing more than conjecture. And much of that conjecture is ill-founded, concludes Jim DiEugenio.
David Joseph reviews in detail the evidence for Oswald's alleged trip to Mexico City – Part 6.
None of the Shenon's sources brought a single quantum of proof for turning plausible his Castro hypothesis. Their suspicions, impressions, beliefs, admissions, second-hand tales, and suggestions are linked to long-ago debunked stories. For sticking with them along the substantiation of his hypothesis, Shenon must concoct [various] 'facts', writes Arnaldo Fernandez.
David Joseph reviews in detail the evidence for Oswald's alleged trip to Mexico City – Part 5.
David Joseph reviews in detail the evidence for Oswald's alleged trip to Mexico City – Part 4.
David Joseph reviews in detail the evidence for Oswald's alleged trip to Mexico City – Part 3.
A briefer and more visual version of the five-part essay by Jim DiEugenio proving the Warren Commission is inoperable today.
David Joseph reviews in detail the evidence for Oswald's alleged trip to Mexico City – Part 2.
David Joseph reviews in detail the evidence for Oswald's alleged trip to Mexico City – Part 1.
David Josephs reviews arguments for Oswald having "planned" the shooting and finds them both contradictory and without rational foundation.
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