Saturday, 25 April 2009 12:15

Lamar Waldron, Ultimate Sacrifice

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One of the most puzzling things about Ultimate Sacrifice is that some have actually taken it seriously. Peter Scott has said it is well documented. My question to Peter: Well-documented with what? Frank Ragano and Ed Partin? If you don't analyze the footnotes you might be impressed, writes Jim DiEugenio.

Author James DiEugenio updates his review of Larry Hancock's Someone Would Have Talked with further observations about the problem of its questionable source material.

Why Russo's work is viewed negatively by both the defenders and critics of the Warren Commission.

Friday, 24 April 2009 11:14

Dale Myers Gets Perturbed!

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Jim DiEugenio discusses Dale Myers's reaction to his review of Reclaiming History.

Friday, 16 January 2004 10:42

Gerald Posner: Did He Get Anything Right?

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Jim DiEugenio writes about Gerald Posner's irresponsibility in representing the evidence concerning the JFK assassination.

Jim DiEugenio discusses how Gerald Posner became wealthy from his pro-Warren Commission articles and books.

Author Wallace Miliam discusses how Case Closed knowingly included false information concerning JFK assassination eyewitnesses.

From an unpublished book review of Case Closed written by Stewart Galanor in October 1993, in which he exposes Posner's misrepresentation of eyewitness testimony.

Tuesday, 06 January 2004 13:08

Posner in New Orleans: Gerry in Wonderland

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Case Closed deliberately suppresses and distorts the evidence that Oswald was involved in clandestine activities in New Orleans, writes Jim DiEugenio.

Tuesday, 04 May 2004 12:06

Gerald Posner, Case Closed

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Massive numbers of factual errors suffuse the book, which make it a veritable minefield, writes history professor David Wrone.

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