

Transcript, courtesy of David Giglio and Our Hidden History, of an interview with Roger Hilsman, who confirms that JFK's policy concerning Vietnam was essentially different from Johnson's. Note that he made these statements in 1983, nearly a decade before the publication of John Newman's book.

(Click here for video link)

We have also appended an important addendum, another interview with Hilsman from 1969.

Transcript, courtesy of David Giglio, of a Pacifica Radio interview from 1966 with Harold Weisberg in which he questions the statements of two key Warren Commission witnesses, Howard Brennan and policeman Marrion Baker.

Click here for audio link (at Our Hidden History)

Bill Simpich offers a look at some of the gems found in the new JFK document releases and how to speed up the discovery of future finds.

At: WhoWhatWhy

Wednesday, 11 July 2018 21:42

The RFK Tapes

the rfk tapesAn audio documentary series by William Klaber and Zac Stuart-Pontier that examines the 1968 assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. (Click image for link)

On JFK secrecy, Brett Kavanaugh sides with the CIA

By Jefferson Morley, at:JFK Facts

Freely available: restored and re-compiled PDFs collected from the internet.

By Bernard Wilds, webmaster for Dealey Plaza UK, at: JFKRestore

Friday, 08 June 2018 20:56

A&E Reports: RFK Assassination

rfkplumleyShown only once, this episode of A&E Investigative Reports makes the case for CIA involvement in the Assassination of Robert F Kennedy.


(Click image for video link)

Wednesday, 06 June 2018 17:26

RFK – Fifty Years Later

By Donald Jeffries, at: Keeping It Unreal

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