James DiEugenio

James DiEugenio

One of the most respected researchers and writers on the political assassinations of the 1960s, Jim DiEugenio is the author of two books, Destiny Betrayed (1992/2012) and The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today (2018), co-author of The Assassinations, and co-edited Probe Magazine (1993-2000).   See "About Us" for a fuller bio.

Sunday, 16 April 2023 16:32

Assume Nothing about Edward Epstein

Jim DiEugenio writes a detailed critique about Edward Epstein's new memoir on his writing career. The book probably reveals more than intended. And Jim adds some facts that the author did not include. The combination paints an unattractive portrait.

Saturday, 08 April 2023 06:48

The Kennedy Withdrawal, by Marc Selverstone

Jim DiEugenio examines Marc Selverstone's attempt to turn President Kennedy into a Cold Warrior, to somehow transform JFK's withdrawal plan in Vietnam into an open-ended commitment, and to absurdly propose that there was no real break in policy from JFK to LBJ.

Jim DiEugenio exposes reporter Arun Starkey and the British alternative online magazine Far Out for completely avoiding the new facts in Oliver Stone's two documentaries: JFK Revisited and JFK: Destiny Betrayed. Instead, Starkey relied on, of all people, Tim Weiner, a line of argument which both Stone and Jim DiEugenio neutralized 2 years ago. Make no mistake, this is about the upcoming 60th anniversary.

Sy Hersh is making the rounds with another of his "scoops", this time on the Nord Stream explosions. Those hosting him should recall his sorry record in this regard: Osama bin Laden and John F. Kennedy. We sure do.

Friday, 10 March 2023 05:29

Mark Shaw's Fighting for Justice

Mark Shaw has released yet another “book” purportedly on the JFK assassination and cover-up, making it his fourth in the last seven years on the subject. James DiEugenio elucidates how Shaw makes factual errors, trusts unreliable sources and documents, recycles previously known information and sloughs off the newly declassified documents in his latest “book”.

Jim DiEugenio reviews Russell Kent's new book JFK Medical Betrayal: Where The Evidence Lies.

James DiEugenio takes a critical look into Gus Russo's background and his claim that there was nothing of value in any of the JFK materials ever released.

Tuesday, 20 December 2022 21:51

David Lifton Has Passed On

David S. Lifton, author of Best Evidence and a lifelong researcher into the assassination of JFK, has died. Jim DiEugenio has this remembrance.

Wednesday, 30 November 2022 19:43

Mel Ayton's The Kennedy Assassinations: A Review

A new book by Mel Ayton is the latest in a long line of titles that try, in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, to show that the Warren Commission was right, after all. The book is reviewed here by Jim DiEugenio.

Monday, 14 November 2022 20:05

Dale Myers and his World of Illusion

Lone Nut supporter Dale Myers recently attacked Oliver Stone's film, JFK Revisited. Stone's screenwriter, James DiEugenio, demonstrates how groundless those attacks are with this detailed reply.

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