Frank has dabbled with writing all of his life – including songwriting, journalism, a book of humor, comedy bits for radio, and placing articles with several magazines. His interest in the JFK assassination was piqued in 2004 when he discovered BlackOp Radio. He is currently adapting one of his short stories into a novel. The story – called "A Player Cheats The House" – is loosely based on the JFK case.
We’ve lost. They’ve won. Everywhere except in the court of public opinion. It’s sort of like watching a heavyweight prize-fight and having the guy who was knocked out declared the winner. The Power Elite says, “The public be damned! Who cares what they think?” Well, we do. And so does Bob Groden, writes Frank Cassano in this review of the 2014 documentary film about his battles with the City of Dallas and the Sixth Floor Museum.
The main reason why I am recommending this book is because it’s out there … I would much rather [regular, everyday people] bought a book like this one, than, say, one by Bill O’Reilly—or whoever the “other side’s” designated shill happens to be this week, observes Frank Cassano.
McAdams likes to warn us about how “noise” clouds our perceptions. He should know, he’s directly responsible for a great deal of it, asserts Frank Cassano.
This book may well represent the high point of Jesse's legacy ... We can all be thankful of the fact that he felt compelled to commit his power and influence toward noble causes, rather than sell his soul to the highest bidder, like so many others have, writes Frank Cassano.
Frank Cassano on the Canadian Broadcasting Company's documentary and its message that “conspiracy theorists threaten democracy”.
Frank Cassano on John Hankey's abominable performance during Corbett's interview of him.
Frank Cassano on Michael Shermer's own sleight of hand: why one must be skeptical of the skeptic.
Author Frank Cassano writes about Huffington Post writer Michael Shermer's article "My Day in Dealey Plaza: Why JFK Was Killed by a Lone Assassin."
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