David Josephs has been researching and writing about the JFK assassination, the consequences of sovereignty, bankers and lawyers, and the history of spying for over 25 years. Currently his work is focused on the JFK evidence and how it illustrates the conspiracy rather than illuminate what occurred in Dallas and DC.
Examines the evidence itself, including details offered in the document, the multiple Robert West surveys, notes, and tabulations, and the evidence available after fact from the witnesses.
David Josephs graciously provides us with the slides and original speaker notes from his very well-received presentation at the CAPA 2019 November in Dallas Conference.
Examines the evolution of the placement of the "final" shot and the question of the plat of Dealey Plaza prepared for the Warren Commission.
Re-examines the stories about multiple/alternate rifles found on November 22, 1963.
Problems with tracing the pistol allegedly used to kill J.D. Tippit to Oswald, again following work done by John Armstrong.
David Josephs musters various arguments for their inauthenticity. An interesting complement to the series by Jeff Carter appearing here.
An analytical timeline which demonstrates the difficulties with the Warren Commission's story about Oswald's alleged purchase of the Mannlicher-Carcano.
A discussion of the mail-order rifle attributed to Oswald which follows upon John Armstrong's crucial discoveries.
David Josephs reveals various issues with the Judyth Baker story which undermine its credibility.
David Joseph reviews in detail the evidence for Oswald's alleged trip to Mexico City – Part 6.
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