I will be sharing with you how the DPD, Secret Service, and FBI dealt with the rifle evidence they gathered, as they gathered it, and how Hoover’s FBI, with the help of the US Postal Service, steered this evidence toward Oswald.
Forensics with firearms includes examining those things that make the firearm unique,which is one of two ways to authenticate our evidence. Authentication, in the law of evidence, is the process by which documentary evidence and other physical evidence is proven to be genuine and not a forgery.Generally, authentication can be shown in one of two ways. First, a witness can testify as to the chain of custody through which the evidence passed from the time of the discovery up until the trial. Second, the evidence can be authenticated by the opinion of an expert witness examining the evidence to determine if it has all of the properties that it would be expected to have if it were authentic.
The Roman numeral XVIII (18) and the bottom of TERNI do seem ground off—yet we can’t be 100% sure. 1940 only needed adding if the original was from a different year or the entire year and Roman numerals were removed. If the rifle had been a 1939 or 1938, there is a greater likelihood it was a 7.35mm FC carbine.
Luciano Riva, or someone else, did grind some things off and added others. The rifles were so unsound, that without first checking them, the first batches sold for use caused horrific accidents and even deaths. It is from Crescent (Louis Feldsott’s sister business to Adams Consolidated) that retail orders are first forwarded to Fred Rupp, a licensed gun dealer who was enlisted to check, then fix, and/or replace defective rifles, noting the change on the enclosed packing slips. Our 10 slips show no changes, no substitutions, and still represent the shipments from Italy to Crescent in NYC.
We have 2 - 6.5 stamped Fucile Corto Barrels and an image from CE541. This is the ONLY image of the caliber on a rifle claimed to be CE-139. I welcome any detailed images of the carbine caliber prior to this image. As you will see, the 6.5 and 7.35 FC rifles are virtually identical.
The 7.35 Fucile usually had the caliber burned into the butt of the stock on the side with the sling mount. In 1940, when the Army goes back to 6.5mm, it is stamped on the fixed rear sight, in order to help avoid an ammunition mix-up. In the 15-20 years since their use, the parts and pieces of numerous rifles used for parts, can be found in a single, finished weapon.
We have a wonderful image of Lt. Day carrying the rifle from the TSBD. It is both very large and very clear. Since we’ve never seen an image of the rifle prior to the FBI exhibit images, the possibility of a rifle with no CAL markings prior to the FBI acquiring it – is not so far fetched.
Early reports from Italy claim the rifle in question is a 7.35 M91/38. Without a clear image of the CAL designation, the 6.5mm shells on the floor – especially in their condition –may have had little to do with the rifle. The white versus black numbers will be a reoccurring theme.
“C14 is C2766” is a FBI fib used to incriminate Oswald. This declaration came in early December. The report from William Harvey’s Italy said it was a 7.35 model 91/38, among all sorts of interesting things that never made their way into the Warren Commission Report (WCR). Instead, we are told by the FBI that C14 is C2766. Hail Hoover. C14 ≠ C2766b>. On March 27, 1964, Alfred Finish, “professional gunsmith at the Empire Wholesale Sporting Goods,” Montreal, Canada, “assisted in taking critical measures” of the rifles then shipped to Mr. Ouimet. Mr. Ouimet claims to be the owner of Empire Wholesale (aka Century International Arms) owned by William Sucher and source for 700 identical rifles to the one pictured above. We’ll return to Mr. Sucher and Century International Arms (C.I.A.). Mr. Ouimet gives these measures of an “identical model” of the rifle used in the JFK assassination: total length 40 3/16" - stock 34 3/4" - barrel and action 28 15/16" - barrel only 21 1/8" - rear to receiver 26 1/2." He underscores the Carcano he had examined during the years “had no set pattern regarding serial numbers.”
For argument sake, let’s agree with “C2766” identifying that rifle uniquely. It’s much easier to create paper copies of copies than to stamp a rifle.
Given Texas in 1963, how did they fall upon Feldsott in NYC?
FBI SA Nat Pinkston is listed as a TSBD employee in the WCR index. He was an FBI agent. His testimony only dealt with Oswald’s clipboard from December 2. His name is on this report having spoken to Al Yeargan about the rifle at the H.L. Green Company (a local department store selling surplus WWII weapons), yet he is never asked about the conversation. 40 years later, H. L. Green is no longer included. We go from Titche-Goettinger right to Klein’s. What SA Pinkston did in 1963/4 and recounts years later bear little resemblance to each other. His recent revelations are uniquely his and are not authenticated or corroborated by any other evidence.
The SAC in New York City is talking about the records of H. L. Green in Dallas to Chicago 7 hours after the fact. Green says they get their stuff from Crescent Firearms in New York City. Again, info on a 6.5mm C2766 takes 7 hours to convey thru New York City to Chicago, so the Chicago FBI can go to Klein’s?
Here is the famous affidavit and, not so famous, Rankin note that came with it. Rankin sends Al Feldsott a completed affidavit for his signature and notarization in July 1964. The same thing happens with the H. L. Green employees. This concludes that C 2766 was, indeed, sold to Klein’s Sporting Goods on June 18, 1962, and this info was conveyed to the FBI on the night of November 22. Subsequently, other records are turned over as well.
On the evening of November 22, the FBI has its evidence. “Mr. White in the study with a candlestick” à la the game, Clue. Crescent to Klein’s on June 18th with C2766.
William Sucher, owner of Century International Arms, Inc., and Empire Wholesale are the sources to the FBI that the serial numbers on World War 2 surplus rifles are by no means unique. Not one of the 700 has a letter prefix identified. As I discovered, James Ouimet, who is referred to as the “President” of Century Arms, was actually a figurehead, put in place by Sucher and his associates to run Century on their behalf. (G. Murr Education Forum post of 11/26/17) Owner: Empire Wholesale & International Firearms Limited, now known asCentury International Arms, CIA.
We also learn that they are the exact same rifles as the Century 700. “38E” internationally known and “T-38” domestically known as Carcano Fucile Corto rifles. The Klein’s customer invoice copies are simply the duplicates of the original 1960 shipments to Crescent from Italy.
The rest of that November 22 memo confirms a June 18, 1962, shipment sent to Klein’s, yet the rifle listing only includes an N 2766, not C.
The New York City FBI SAC confirms with the FBI lab that the rifle in question has 5 digits: C 2766. The records of Klein’s from the night before shows they received “N 2766”. What is the FBI at Klein’s to do now?
The New York City FBI revises their story on the November 24, confirming that C2766 was received by Crescent from Italy. Thank you, Sherlock Holmes. That it was sold to Klein’s “subsequently” as indicated above, on June 18, 1962. Yet somehow, 2 days earlier, SA Dolan and Waldman and Scibor from Klein’s find the order blank on microfilm.
Does the FBI know something we didn’t that needed proof by November 24?
N 2766 does not appear anywhere in the WCR. June 18, 1962, is on the Feldsott contact sheets, an affidavit, and reconfirmed a number of times in FBI documentation.
This single sheet of paper related to a February 1963 delivery is based upon 10 packing slips sent from Italy to Crescent for Adams Consolidated and in the possession of the FBI on Friday evening, according to the evidence. Notice the 1259 in the top right-hand corner. Yet, the order was 1243, as testified to by General Manager Michael Scibor and Klein’s VP William Waldman.It is very possible the original order written on this page was 1259. As we saw, there were orders in June 1962 and March 1963 in the Klein’s and Crescent records, not February 22, 1963.
The 10 Feldsott slips would not have been sent to Klein’s as part of their order. Sadly though, we do not know what they would send, for all we have are these 10 slips referring to 38 E, not T-38. It is a small detail I know, yet another brick in the wall.
Here’s the evidence, the microfilm creates the order blank. The order blank’s handwriting connects the rifle with the list and nothing else. The “VC=Serial # list” claimed to be kept in a master ledger by Klein’s General Manager Michael Scibor, is claimed to be Klein’s way of tracking serial numbers on rifles. When a shipment comes in, the next blank VC# is used to start listing the rifle serial numbers in the shipment. Unless we can see another VC=Serial # list that actually matches real rifles with real orders or any other order showing any one of these 99 rifles, the data on this page could conceivably have been created that night. The details of the evidence will bear this out. At this point, the “VC List Evidence” simply corroborates itself and only for this one rifle. There were 99 more in inventory.
With just those 2 pieces of evidence, the FBI is able to connect the receipt of C2766 with an order sent to Klein’s in February 1963. Yet, the FBI also told us on the 22nd about the March 1963 order with C2746. On November 22 and 23, there was no mention of a February 1963 order at either Crescent or Klein’s. There is more to it than that, but you’ll need to read my paper, The Klein’s Rifle.
This is page 2 of 2 for order 1243. The original order number from January 1962. It also says “1259 Page 2 of 2 pages”. A subsequent order becomes the February 1963 order now containing C2766.
How did they use the information that Crescent supplied the rifle to find this customer order? (Does this make any logical sense?)
The receiving records from vendors would make it much easier to locate a shipment from a vendor, whereas how does one even begin to locate a sales order with only the serial number and vendor? Those 2 memos on the 22nd and 23rd left the FBI kinda screwed.
Remember that on Friday and Saturday there are no records for C2766.
Or that Crescent sent them orders in June of 1962 and March of 1963, not February 1963.
After Friday evening into Saturday morning, 3 FBI Special Agents including Dolan put their names on a report (WCD7, page 187). SA’s Toedt and Mahan will provide virtually nothing else to the Warren Commission Documents.
The next page of the report/memo does not have any signatures, but does tell us that Waldman kept the microfilm.
Virtually the same report is found on the next page (WCD7, page 189), yet the outcome is completely different. This time only Dolan writes a report, in which he claims to have taken the microfilm and provided Waldman with a receipt. The chain of custody for this microfilm is now a hot mess.
Months later, in testimony, Waldman is no longer talking about his safe and being subpoenaed. He gave that microfilm to the FBI. I’m told by those who went, the microfilm itself is no longer in its box at the archives. Just an empty box. If only a copy of the film was made.
FBI SA Dolan alone claimed he took the microfilm by the morning of the 23rd. What we come to learn is that copies of this film are made in the weeks after November 22. Dolan gives a copy back to Waldman and once again it is said that Dolan acquired the film from Waldman on the 23rd. Originals with the FBI and copies to the Warren Commission were standard FBI operating procedure. With the original in the FBI’s hands from November 23 until the first copy is returned on December 6, there is no way to know what transpired with that film. I wonder if the copy and the FBI original have the same things on them?
The microfilm creates the Order Blank. The Order Blank connects to the February Klein’s shipment via 1 piece of paper. What was on the original microfilm is simply no longer knowable.
Waldman tells us he removed the remaining stock of “assassination” rifles on Monday the 25th. In 1978, we learn the FBI had Klein’s mount scopes on at least 12 rifles, that 40" rifles were not scoped, and some rifles have no inscription at all. Sharp is not called to the Warren Commission.
It’s as if those 100 rifles were never at Kleins in the first place.
None of the people who were actually involved in receiving/shipping this product are interviewed, while Dolan remains an integral part.
Westra concurs with Sharp about scoping 40" rifles, but then is set straight. Since the 40" rifle at the archives is scoped, y’all must have done it. Any information on Lido Luccesi would be appreciated.
Given the mountain of paper we are given in this case, it remains an obvious “mystery” how Oswald can go through his paces from January 1963 to November 1963: order, pay for, and get delivered both a rifle and a pistol—and yet not have a single page written about those occurrencesin any report from any agency prior to November 22nd.
At the end of the day, the only things with a print of Oswald’s are a box and some paper. The rest is Lieutenant Day being helpful.
It is not until well after Oswald is dead, that these fingerprint lifts even get consideration at the FBI.
The rifle goes to Washington DC with SA Vincent Drain on the night of the 22nd, only to be returned and taken again on the 26th. Amazingly, the prints travel from one side of the trigger guard to the other.
Having taken no photos of the print where it was found, there is only a photo of the lift which was not sent to the FBI with everything else that night.
There is no part of the barrel showing from the underside of the rifle. Day’s palmprint appears to exist only to suggest Oswald assembled and disassembled the rifle. Despite numerous smooth metal parts including the shells and clip, Day’s prints are highly suspicious.
Lt. Day needed to explain quite a few things that went awry that first day. Claiming he was told to stop working on the rifle, he claims that’s exactly what he did in mid stroke. Subsequent reports are filled with his excuses.
In 1978, the HSCA requested to see this “lift”, seeing it was part of the evidence Drain takes again on the 26th. Yet again, we have Day stating all the evidence was taken the 22nd. This palmprint cannot be found—the official reason states:
In other words, they lost it.
In the 50’s, the FBI copied and planted prints regularly, along with lying about informants, as well as, virtually all manner of evidence.
What if there was no money order, like there was no February order? But the FBI needed evidence of one.
The evidence shows the Postal Money Order (PMO) found on 3 different timelines.
The first is in Kansas City by the Secret Service
The second is reverse engineered by Holmes and gang by looking at magazines and guessing about shipping. “Now you thumb through those,” I said, “and when you come to Klein’s Sporting Goods, let’s see what it looks like.” It wasn’t but a couple of minutes that one of the girls hollered, “Here it is!” So I looked at it and down at the bottom of the ad it said that that particular rifle was such and such amount. But if it could not be carried on a person, such as a pistol, like a shotgun or a rifle, then it was $1.25 or $1.37 extra. Shipping charges were also added, so I added those together, took that figure and called around to all the different stations and the main office where these crews were checking stubs. It wasn’t ten minutes that they hollered, “Eureka!” They had the stub!
The third, and most interesting, is that of the FBI’s in Alexandria, Virginia. You can read all about it in the Rifle Money Order Timeline. For our purposes, the most important things to know about this money order are:
Remember, the year is 1963. Who saw Catch Me If You Can? Passing bad checks was easier then, because the process took so long and was not computerized.
We have a number of proofs outside of the Warren Commission Report. J. Harold Marks—the same man—testified in 1960 about tracking Postal Money Orders “as paid through the Federal Reserve Bank.” Another 1960 bit of evidence is this New York Federal flyer explaining how Postal Money Orders are to be accepted as cash items.
And finally, in the Warren Commission Documents themselves, with Lester Gohr of the Federal Reserve and Wilmouth of Chicago 1st National reconfirming that Postal Money Orders are processed and recorded by these banks for very specific reasons.
I’d like to begin finishing up with some of the evidence which suggests there were never any shipments of merchandise to Oswald. At his Dallas Post Office Box, Hidell was not listed. Given what was going on with the Dodd investigations (a Senate Committee investigating mail order pistol and rifle sales in the US—Klein’s and Seaport were 2 of their targets), it would seem that a 5' carton addressed to the wrong person constitutes “where possible”. In the weeks after the assassination, VP Waldman will tell his “partner in microfilm crimes”, SA Dolan, that Senator Dodd’s Committee “was on his back.” It was known that Dodd used “cut-outs” to order rifles as part of his investigation—some surmise that Oswald may have been one of these cut-outs using the name Hidell.
Given the reality of this and how this rifle suddenly appears after November 22, it defies common sense and logic to believe this goes unnoticed.
In fact, a box of that size would have triggered the mailing of a notice for Oswald to come claim his oversized package. Yet the package is addressed to Hidell. With the need to generate this notice, the rules and regulations are put to an even more stringent test. As we now know, none of this happened.
I’d like to end today with some more evidence, which I see betraying the conspiracy. The evidence shows that he took 2 small bags with him, when leaving Magazine Street after Ruth leaves with Marina. Yet, the rifle is placed at the Paine’s in October. There’d be only 1 way to get it there.
If Ruth was supposed to help incriminate Oswald, this didn’t help.
Neither did this and neither does Michael.
While many have erroneously injected themselves into this storyline for personal gain or profit, we must look to those who suffered at the hands of the FBI for telling an inconvenient truth.
Abraham Bolden comes to mind. FBI recalls Yates for a polygraph January 4, 1964: “No significant emotional responses were recorded.”The FBI could therefore not reach a conclusion about Yates. On January 5, 1964, at the insistence of the FBI, Yates begins 11 years of mental institutionalization.“They told me that he was telling the truth [according to the polygraph machine], but that basically he had convinced himself that he was telling the truth. So that’s how it came out. He strongly believed it, so it came out that way.” (Dorothy Yates Walker 2006)
Despite being the object of numerous 3 letter agencies, we find nothing in the evidence related to these weapons prior to November 22nd.