An excerpt from the first of a two-part study of the CIA counterintelligence chief who very likely was in control of the Lee Harvey Oswald 'legend'.

Tuesday, 15 June 1999 18:18

Patricia Lambert, False Witness

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Robert Blakey has said that after his experience with the House Select Committee, it was his opinion that the JFK case was like a Rorschach test, people saw in it what they wished to see. Lambert's book is proof positive of this, write Jim DiEugenio and Bill Davy.

Tuesday, 15 June 1999 17:47

Bremer & Wallace: It's Déjà Vu All Over Again

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Uncanny links to and similarities with the RFK case, which appears to be awash in CIA involvement, are laid bare in this analysis by Lisa Pease.

Sunday, 15 June 1997 17:34

J. Lee Rankin: Conspiracist?

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A declassified HSCA document reporting a phone conversation between Michael Ewing and Rankin offers, as far as we know, the strongest criticisms of the Commission by anyone actually on the legal staff, as opposed to the members of the Commission themselves, writes Jim DiEugenio.

An early report on Dexter King's meeting with James Earl Ray, which led eventually to the civil trial in Memphis in which the jury confirmed the latter's innocence in the shooting of Martin Luther King.

Saturday, 15 June 1996 16:18

The Creation of the Warren Commission

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Based on the release in 1993 of the White House telephone transcripts for the period immediately following the assassination, Donald Gibson shows that the idea for the Warren Commission was pushed on LBJ by Joseph Alsop and Eugene Rostow – people belonging to the same eastern establishment power elite in which Allen Dulles circulated.

The second part of Lisa Pease's masterful review of the RFK assassination case, which focuses on alternate explanations for how and why RFK was murdered.

The first part of Lisa Pease's masterful review of the RFK assassination case, which focuses on the evidence as it relates to the gun, bullets and Special Exhibit 10.

A review of The Sleep Room, a four-hour miniseries about Dr. Ewen Cameron's secret MKULTRA brainwashing experiments in Montreal during the '50s and '60s, aired on CBC but blacked out in the USA.

Monday, 15 February 1999 22:16

Dodd and Dulles vs. Kennedy in Africa

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The following is not polemics. It is actually history. It tells the truth about an important event. But as it does so, it reveals the true character of the men who helped mold it: Eisenhower, Allen Dulles, Lumumba, Thomas Dodd, Joseph Mobutu, Hammarskjold, Moise Tshombe, Cyrille Adoula, Johnson and, primarily, JFK – writes Jim DiEugenio.

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