The second part of Lisa Pease's masterful review of the RFK assassination case, which focuses on alternate explanations for how and why RFK was murdered.

The first part of Lisa Pease's masterful review of the RFK assassination case, which focuses on the evidence as it relates to the gun, bullets and Special Exhibit 10.

A review of The Sleep Room, a four-hour miniseries about Dr. Ewen Cameron's secret MKULTRA brainwashing experiments in Montreal during the '50s and '60s, aired on CBC but blacked out in the USA.

Monday, 15 February 1999 22:16

Dodd and Dulles vs. Kennedy in Africa

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The following is not polemics. It is actually history. It tells the truth about an important event. But as it does so, it reveals the true character of the men who helped mold it: Eisenhower, Allen Dulles, Lumumba, Thomas Dodd, Joseph Mobutu, Hammarskjold, Moise Tshombe, Cyrille Adoula, Johnson and, primarily, JFK – writes Jim DiEugenio.

Saturday, 15 February 1997 22:06

Nelson, Hall and Graff: The Review Board's Public Comments

While still backing the ARRB's mission, Jim DiEugenio criticizes some board members for publicly implying they have read all the declassified documents and that it doesn't matter, Oswald still did it – a judgment that does not fit the facts, or their own experience.

Excerpted from a longer version which appeared in Lobster magazine (UK), this chronological study suggests interesting traits in common with the JFK assassination.

Thursday, 15 February 1996 19:33

Adrian Havill, Deep Truth

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Had the book been presented as fiction, readers could not complain. However, the book sits on non-fiction shelves around the world. Maybe it shouldn't, writes Lisa Pease.

Friday, 16 February 1996 19:28

Bob Woodward

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Lisa Pease poses the question concerning Woodward's intelligence links, which would explain the role he and Bernstein wittingly or unwittingly played in keeping the CIA's nose clean while making sure the world saw the President's nose was dirty.

Thursday, 15 February 1996 18:58

James Phelan

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Because of his writings on the Kennedy assassination in the Post, New York Times, and his book Scandals, Scamps, and Scoundrels, many have harbored suspicions about Phelan's independence as a writer. What makes him even more suspicious is the company he has kept throughout the years, writes Jim DiEugenio.

Saturday, 15 February 1997 18:46

The Left and the Death of Kennedy

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The articles by Ray Marcus and Martin Schotz do not so much explain the reaction, or non-reaction, of the Left to the death of John Kennedy as show, in the face of that non-reaction, that the murder of Kennedy was the first step that led to the death of the Left, writes Jim DiEugenio.

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