Thursday, 15 October 1998 22:54

The Zapruder Film Comes to Home Video

Written by James DiEugenio

Jim DiEugenio provides a brief history of the film's ownership on the occasion of its release to the public domain on video tape.

Tuesday, 15 February 2000 22:46

Interview with Richard Sprague

Written by John Williams

Sprague reveals his thoughts on the assassination and discusses his experiences with the House Select Committee.

Friday, 15 December 1995 22:30

Silencers, Sniper Rifles & the CIA

Written by Carol Hewett

Carol Hewett discusses the possibility of silenced weapons having been used in Dealey Plaza, an idea which up to the time of publication of this article in 1995 had been surprisingly unexplored.

Sunday, 15 December 1996 19:41

The Paines' Participation in the Minox Camera Charade

Written by Carol Hewett

The disappearance of this item which originally appeared on the (first) Dallas police list of Oswald's belongings points to collusion between the Paines and the FBI, argues Carol Hewett.

Sunday, 15 December 1996 18:55

The Nearness of History: Scott Enyart vs. LAPD on the RFK Photos

Written by David Manning

Superficially based on errors and incompetence within the Los Angeles Police Department, in actuality, [Scott Enyart v. City of Los Angeles] bore as little relation to accident and error as Robert Kennedy's murder was owed to the act of an "angry and disoriented Palestinian," writes David Manning.

Monday, 15 April 1996 18:38

Case Distorted: Posner, Connick, and the New York Times

Written by William Davy

Bill Davy rebuts the New York Times article by Gerald Posner claiming that the Garrison files reveal his case against Shaw to be a fraud.

Tuesday, 15 April 1997 18:13

What Did Otto Otepka Know About Oswald and the CIA?

Written by Lisa Pease


On November 5, 1963, Otepka was finally formally ousted from the State Department. Just seventeen days later, Kennedy would be assassinated. And the killing would be pinned on the man Otepka was trying to investigate when he was removed from his office, writes Lisa Pease.

Because no one pursued the truth about Lumumba at the time, and no one found the truth about Hammarskjold's death, assassination remained a viable way to change foreign policy, writes Lisa Pease.

Thursday, 15 April 1999 14:51

The Attempted Coup Against FDR

Written by Barbara LaMonica

Although the coup never materialized, the unrelenting propaganda attack against Roosevelt and the New Deal reforms continued, spearheaded by the American Liberty League, writes Barbara LaMonica.

Tuesday, 15 August 1995 14:09

Raymond vs. Connick: Round One

More on the politics of Jim Garrison's successor to the New Orleans DA office, by Jim DiEugenio.

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