Tuesday, 15 October 1996 23:24

Thomas J. Dodd & Son: Corruption of Blood?; Dodd Part II: New Orleans and the Cover-Up

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Lisa Pease explores Thomas Dodd's role in the Congo crisis and the Dodd connections to CIA and FBI assets in New Orleans in this provocative two-part article.

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Last modified on Monday, 12 June 2017 22:07
Lisa Pease

Lisa Pease was co-editor with Jim DiEugenio of Probe Magazine and also edited with him The Assassinations.  She has written a number of ground-breaking essays on the connections between Freeport Sulphur, the Eastern Establishment and the CIA, on James Angleton, and on Sirhan and the RFK assassination.  Lisa is currently finishing her book on the latter subject, the product of more than two decades of research.  She also runs a blogspot on recent history and current events.

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