

By Bryan Bender and Neil Swidey, originally run on November 24, 2013, At:  The Boston Globe

Saturday, 26 November 2016 18:19

Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro dies aged 90

By Marc Frank and Nelson Acosta, At:  Reuters

This is available on other YouTube channels, but the audio – from and - is considerably better.  (Submitted by David Giglio).

Monday, 07 January 2013 15:00

HSCA Interview with Fidel Castro

Continuation of narration by Chief Counsel G. Robert Blakey and the playing of excerpts from a tape recording of an interview with President Fidel Castro.

Volume 5 of the Official History of the Bay of Pigs Operation, by Jack B. Pfeiffer (18 April, 1984)

Sunday, 30 October 2016 14:56

Open Letter to Ted Turner and CNN

Requesting release of the transcript of the "Valley of Death" broadcast which has been pulled not only from the CNN Web site, but from the vendors who normally carry CNN transcripts.

Regarding the key role played by Finck in a court case involving McCarthy directly.

Concerning a photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald which they published and incorrectly captioned as being from his trip to Mexico City.

Pete received a return call from Connick after his first letter. This is his follow-up piece.

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