In tribute to Dr. King, we rerun three of the best pieces from Probe magazine concerning the civil trial in Memphis which concluded by exonerating James Earl Ray of King's murder.
By Michael Overall, At: Tulsa World (originally published November 22, 2013)
Presentation given at the 2014 AARC Convention on the 50th anniversary of the Warren Report, Sept 25-27, 2014.
The National Enquirer announces, "Castro’s Deathbed Confession: ‘I Killed JFK!’" (December 7, 2016)
By Flint Taylor, At: Truthout
by Rex Bradford, At: Mary Ferrell
Read her story at: JFK Countercoup
By Mark Shaw, At: NY Daily News
Presentation given at the 2014 AARC Convention on the 50th anniversary of the Warren Report, Sept 25-27, 2014.
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