

Monday, 26 March 2018 21:42

Mort Sahl Interview with Elliot Mintz

In this remarkable Pacifica interview from the Sixties, Mort Sahl reveals how his career was ruined, as he lost two broadcast programs in Los Angeles and he was blackballed—not due to ratings, which were good, but because he would not be quiet about the JFK assassination.

Thanks to David Giglio at Our Hidden History for this transcript, which reveals more of the censorship of the JFK case by the media.

Thursday, 08 March 2018 22:17

Ted Charach, The Second Gun


During this, the 50th anniversary of Senator Robert Kennedy's assassination, we wish to raise awareness of his life and death. We thus follow our posting of Joseph Palermo's interview with a link to  Ted Charach's The Second Gun.

(Click image for video link)

By Jimmy Falls, At:  Who.What.Why

ohh pease angleton

Author and researcher Lisa Pease discusses CIA's cold war counterintelligence chief James Angleton and his role in the events surrounding the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript at Our Hidden History.

ohh the post

A study in contrasts concerning the journalism of Robert Parry, whose singular groundbreaking investigative work did more than any other to shed light on the interconnected scandals of the Reagan era, vs the Washington Post, unduly celebrated by the eponymous Hanks/Spielberg film for its supposed role in publishing the Pentagon Papers.

Listen to the audio and read the transcript at Our Hidden History.

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