Wednesday, 05 August 2009 11:02

JFK: Inside the Target Car, Part Three: How Gary Mack became Dan Rather

Written by James DiEugenio

Jim DiEugenio writes about how former conspiracy theorist Gary Mack became a Warren Commission defender with Inside the Target Car.

Wednesday, 05 August 2009 10:55

JFK: Inside the Target Car, Part Two: Or, The Discovery Channel's Idiot Conspirators

Written by James DiEugenio

Jim DiEugenio writes about how the Discovery Channel's Inside the Target Car fudged the tests in their JFK assassination reenactment.

Wednesday, 05 August 2009 10:47

JFK: Inside Inside the Target Car: My Experiences as Limo Researcher for the Show

Written by Pamela McElwain-Brown

Pamela McElwain-Brown discusses her research on the presidential limousine and how the Discovery Channel misrepresented it during the making of Inside the Target Car.

Wednesday, 05 August 2009 10:40

JFK: Inside the Target Car (Discovery Channel)

Written by David Mantik

David Mantik critiques the Discovery Channel Inside the Target Car's forensic analysis from the standpoint of what was not addressed at all.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011 21:11

William Pepper comments on Hampton Sides

William Pepper and Lewis Garrison discuss the shortcomings of Hampton Sides' book about the Martin Luther King assassination.


Monday, 30 April 2012 20:58

RFK assassination witness tells CNN: There was a second shooter

Rhodes-Hughes tells CNN the FBI's eight-shot claim is "completely false." She says the bureau "twisted" things she told two FBI agents when they interviewed her as an assassination witness in 1968, and she says Harris and her prosecutors are simply "parroting" the bureau's report.

Monday, 12 March 2012 20:55

Attorneys for RFK convicted killer Sirhan push 'second gunman' argument


Thursday, 08 May 2008 20:50

RFK assassination acoustic evidence on CBS

Philip Van Praag explains why Sirhan Sirhan could not have been the only person to shoot Robert Kennedy.


Sunday, 14 November 2010 20:39

Jim Douglass Interview

On JFK and the Unspeakable, in five parts (YouTube); with Lisa Pease and Oliver Stone

Thursday, 03 October 2013 19:14

James DiEugenio interview on Reclaiming Parkland

 On Media Mayhem.



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