Conducted by Seamus Coogan at the JFK November in Dallas conference in 2006.
The first in a three part critique by Jim DiEugenio of the Discovery Channel's apology for the Warren Commission, Inside the Target Car.
by Karl Golovin, At: Eventbrite
by Rex Bradford, At: Mary Ferrell
The Assassination Complex
By Jeremy Scahill, At: The Drone Papers
on Dropbox.
James DiEugenio decries how the JFK assassination has been injected into the 2016 presidential election with Donald Trump's baseless accusation that Rafael Cruz was present with Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans when he distributed leaflets for the FPCC.
Jim DiEugenio reviews Columbia University economist and author Jeffrey Sachs' latest book, which examines Kennedy's famous 1963 American University speech.
Jim DiEugenio praises economist Jeffrey Sachs for his criticism of Clinton's foreign policy views, and elucidates even further just how different a view of United States – Middle Eastern relations John Kennedy held, a difference which is highly revealing for the state of affairs we find ourselves in today.
by Daniel Tencer, At: RawStory
by Tim Elfrink, At: Miami New Times
by Sergio R. Bustos of The Miami Herald, At: SunSentinel
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