Jim DiEugenio writes about the history of Capital Cities during its run up to the purchase of the ABC television network.
Jim DiEugenio writes about ABC executive David Westin and how the network's JFK assassination programs are slanted toward the government's official conclusions.
Jim DiEugenio writes about ABC's JFK assassination coverage and how John Stossel's stories are slanted toward the government's official conclusions.
Jim DiEugenio writes about how ABC groomed controversial talk show host Rush Limbaugh to become the king of the airwaves.
A critical overview of Dale Myers, the ABC network's 3D animation expert who produced a flawed recreation of the Zapruder film.
Dale Myers' early opinions on the assassination as a covert operation, as revealed in this interview with John Kelin from 1982.
Jim DiEugenio writes about reporter Gus Russo and how he became a corporate mouthpiece when reporting about the JFK assassination.
Jim DiEugenio exposes the bogus nature of the claim that Live by the Sword was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize.
Author William Davy writes about how NBC and the CIA worked in tandem to discredit JFK assassination investigator Jim Garrison.
Jim DiEugenio on the origins of the Gus Russo/Peter Jennings collaboration.
ABC's proclamation of the "Single Bullet Fact" would not have been possible if they had also aired Arlen Specter's performance at the Wecht 2003 symposium, writes Steve Jones.
Why Russo's work is viewed negatively by both the defenders and critics of the Warren Commission.
Jim DiEugenio examines Dallas journalist Hugh Aynesworth and his role in covering up conspiracy in the JFK assassination.
Jim DiEugenio discusses Dale Myers's reaction to his review of Reclaiming History.
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