Displaying items by tag: ARRB

Saturday, 04 June 2022 18:09

Fletcher Prouty vs. the ARRB

Jim DiEugenio revisits the lost opportunity of Fletcher Prouty’s appearance before the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) by reviewing the initial formation and constitution of the board and then by examining the peculiar history of the board’s “112th Military Intelligence Project.”

In part 2 of this article, Dr. David W. Mantik continues his point-by-point responses to Michel Jacques Gagné’s analysis in the new book Thinking Critically about the Kennedy Assassination (2022) using the documented evidence in the case and, in the process, fully demonstrates that Gagné’s “critical thinking” is anything but.

David W. Mantik responds to one of the newest books defending the Warren Commission, Thinking Critically about the Kennedy Assassination (2022) by Michel Jacques Gagné, with a genuine demonstration of critical thinking and its application to the evidence related to the assassination and its investigation. In part one of this two-part article, Dr. Mantik addresses Gagné’s analysis point-by-point.

Wednesday, 04 May 2022 18:03

JFK VS LBJ: The MSM in Overdrive

The efforts by the mainstream media to malign the accomplishments and legacy of President Kennedy continue in force almost 60 years after his death, so Jim DiEugenio expands his new series thwarting the LBJ apologists and hagiographers by examining the background and work of Mark Updegrove as part of these efforts and correcting the many flaws in his historical comprehension.

Sunday, 24 April 2022 20:03

Michel Gagne: On Not thinking Critically

Jim DiEugenio dips into the mire and provides a mercifully brief and even somewhat generous review of Michel Jacques Gagne ironically named book, Thinking Critically about the Kennedy Assassination, which might be one of the worst written tomes in the last few years.

Saturday, 16 April 2022 23:26

Cleaning up after My Debate with Buzzanco

While Oliver Stone was excited about the results of Jim DiEugenio’s debate with Robert Buzzanco on Aaron Good’s podcast American Exception, Jim follows up on the debate in this article by addressing some of the charges made during the debate which require careful and detailed refutation.

Edward Curtin, at:  LewRockwell.com

Published in News Items

Jeff Morley, at:  JFK Facts

Published in News Items

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