Katie Bo Lillis, at: CNN
Anonymous, at: National Archives
Oliver Stone and Jim DiEugenio reply to Tim Weiner’s review of “JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass” published in Rolling Stone magazine, correcting the statements regarding Russia, Jim Garrison, and the Assassination Records Review Board documents.
osanic, at: YouTube
Gary Aguilar MD and with Cyril Wecht MD, JD continue their expose of the fraud perpetrated on peer reviewed journals by Warren Commission Apologists in focusing on the strange case of an intended 3-part article in the journal Neurosurgery in which the irregular influence and collaboration of Larry Sturdivan was easily revealed in a thorough refutation of the contents of the first two parts. Part 3 was never published.
Oliver Stone, at: The Hollywood Reporter
Michael McCaffrey, at: RT
Russell Brand, at: YouTube
Mark Adamczyk analyzes President Joe Biden’s action, or lack thereof, on authorizing the release of the remaining classified JFK assassinations records per the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, which had been unlawfully delayed by President Donald Trump in 2017 and 2018, and calls for Congressional oversight to finally enforce the 1992 law.
James K. Galbraith, at: Project Syndicate
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