Bryan Bender, at: Politico
Dennis Bernstein, at: CounterPunch
Mark Adamczyk highlights the looming final deadlines for the release of the JFK records by the National Archives. He outlines President Joe Biden’s responsibilities as defined by the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act and urges our readers to join him in writing a letter to President Biden asking him to follow the requirements of the law.
KennedysAndKing publishes the letter Larry Schnapf sent to President Job Biden attaching a Memorandum in Support of Request to Order Executive Agencies to Comply with the JFK Records Collection Act and Jim DiEugenio provides information on how you can help in this effort.
Further clarification from Mark Adamczyk on how the delays authorized by President Trump were based on a memo whose reading of the original JFK Act was erroneous and in clear violation of the law.
Oliver Stone’s interview with Paris Match, translation provided courtesy of Bill Simpich via Google translate.
Recognizing the significant contributions to JFK research made by mainstream journalist Jefferson Morley, Jim DiEugenio reviews his recent e-book, Morley v. CIA: My Unfinished JFK Investigation, and traces the history of George Joannides involvement with the CIA and the DRE dating back to the time of the JFK assassination and beyond.
Using recent evidence discovered by Rob Couteau, Jim DiEugenio revisits the experiences of Parkland Hospital Dr. Malcolm Perry regarding the anterior neck wound he observed in President Kennedy and the concerted and persistent efforts to manipulate his testimony and obscure the clear evidence of a frontal entrance wound.
Now that the April 26, 2021, deadline in the Trump executive order extending the review period for the remaining JFK records has passed, Mark Adamczyk discusses the possible next steps in attempting to hold the government accountable for complying with the 1992 JFK Records Collection Act.
John Powers, at: Transforming Classification
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