Displaying items by tag: ARRB

Sunday, 24 April 2022 20:03

Michel Gagne: On Not thinking Critically

Jim DiEugenio dips into the mire and provides a mercifully brief and even somewhat generous review of Michel Jacques Gagne ironically named book, Thinking Critically about the Kennedy Assassination, which might be one of the worst written tomes in the last few years.

Saturday, 16 April 2022 23:26

Cleaning up after My Debate with Buzzanco

While Oliver Stone was excited about the results of Jim DiEugenio’s debate with Robert Buzzanco on Aaron Good’s podcast American Exception, Jim follows up on the debate in this article by addressing some of the charges made during the debate which require careful and detailed refutation.

Edward Curtin, at:  LewRockwell.com

Published in News Items

Jeff Morley, at:  JFK Facts

Published in News Items
Saturday, 19 March 2022 17:18

Doug Horne Replies: On Oswald’s Earnings

One of the most attention getting parts of JFK: Destiny Betrayed, the four-hour version, is the revelation by Douglas Horne about Oswald’s earnings before he defected to Russia. As the former military records analyst for the Assassination Records Review Board, his voice carries some weight on this issue. He says in the film that he learned from an official contact that Oswald was not being paid by the Marines in the third quarter of 1959. This is quite an interesting statement, especially in light of the fact that Oswald left the Marines under a hardship discharge, visited Texas briefly, and then left for Russia at this time. This was after somehow acquiring the Russian language while in the Marines. We asked Doug to amplify on this important issue for us and he kindly did so.

Next up in our continuing examination of the media responses to Oliver Stone’s documentary JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, Jim DiEugenio considers 94-year-old Noam Chomsky’s appearance on Robert Buzzanco’s podcast Green and Red and, in light of their lack of familiarity with the work of the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) as presented in the film, asks the question, “How can men who attest to be leading intellectuals of the left do such incredibly sloppy and irresponsible work?”

Saturday, 19 February 2022 17:20

James Kirchick and his JFK Assassination Gurus

James Kirchick’s misleading review of Oliver Stone’s new documentary JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass epitomizes the mainstream media’s refusal to address the film’s content and rehashing instead the discredited writings of Warren Commission apologists, so Jim DiEugenio catalogs this ludicrous use of these disproven sources in the next installment of our ongoing series.

Friday, 04 February 2022 03:49

The Unprecedented Debate over JFK Revisited

In our on-going series responding to the American media coverage of Oliver Stone’s new documentary JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, Jim DiEugenio examines how this unprecedented debate persists in using dubious and discredited sources in an attempt to somehow lessen the growing impact that the new evidence presented in the film is having.

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