Jim DiEugenio responds to Max Holland's preposterous lament that the MSM was guilty of much ado about nothing by spending an unwarranted two weeks covering the recent NARA releases of JFK documents.
Files supposedly declassified in full but mostly or entirely redacted, a national security apparatus which thwarts the law, and a media given to smug, glib or downright misinformed dismissals of both the process and content of the document releases mandated by the JFK Act: Jim DiEugenio reviews the current state of (non-) disclosure concerning the event which marked a crucial turning point in our nation's history and consciousness.
Dan Hardway writes: If those who exercise the power in this country have such blatant contempt for the law, then the time for serious peaceful civil disobedience may be upon us. Get the word out. Don’t be silent any longer. This is not an issue of the left or the right. Do something.
Maddow’s staff fished out some archival footage from NBC, did some research on Pettit, got permission to show parts of JFK and called up Shenon. This results in nothing but aimless and uninformed banter, and is pretty much symptomatic of the MSM’s attitude toward these releases, writes Jim DiEugenio.
More from Jim DiEugenio on Larry Sabato and Philip Shenon concerning the upcoming NARA document release.
By Ramon Herrera, At: JFK Numbers
See JFK 2017 RELEASES, At: Our Hidden History
Jim DiEugenio excoriates the authors of two articles concerning the July NARA document release which appeared in The Washington Post and Politico.
Letter to Martha Murphy and John Mathis by Jim DiEugenio concerning the questionable manner in which the first set of documents was released (July 24, 2017).
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