John Fitzgerald Kennedy (470)

Thursday, 10 February 2022 05:31

Neurology and Jiggle Analysis

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Milicent Cranor reexamines some of the historical research using neurology and jiggle analysis to assess the blurred images in the Zapruder film and discusses the complexities of the auditory startle reflex. [Note: This article, posted long ago on a defunct website, is still relevant.]
Friday, 04 February 2022 03:49

The Unprecedented Debate over JFK Revisited

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In our on-going series responding to the American media coverage of Oliver Stone’s new documentary JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, Jim DiEugenio examines how this unprecedented debate persists in using dubious and discredited sources in an attempt to somehow lessen the growing impact that the new evidence presented in the film is having.
Tuesday, 25 January 2022 22:01

The Kirknewton Incident

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Scott Reid reviews the case of David Christensen, who, like another serviceman, Eugene Dinkin, may have also been an “accidental witness to history, having had prior knowledge of the JFK assassination, alerting the appropriate authorities who then did nothing and failed to protect the President.”
Wednesday, 12 January 2022 16:40

Gerald Posner vs Oliver Stone’s JFK Revisited

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Gerald Posner recently emerged from obscurity to try to counter Oliver Stone’s JFK Revisited documentary by hawking digital copies of his 1993 book Cased Closed, so Jim DiEugenio yet again demonstrates to Stone’s detractors how the documentary uses evidence released by the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB), which cannot be refuted by a dated Warren Commission apologia based on an obsolete evidentiary record.
Saturday, 08 January 2022 19:33

The Post and the 30th Anniversary of JFK

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The Washington Post continues to smear Oliver Stone thirty years after JFK was released, so Jim DiEugenio continues to inject evidence, scholarship, and truth into the discussion to expose the bias of the mainstream media and their continued participation in the cover-up of the JFK assassination.
Sunday, 02 January 2022 21:48

Max Boot vs JFK Revisited

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In this latest installment of what is now a multi-part series answering the disinformation and lies of the Warren Commission apologists reviewing Oliver Stone’s new film JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, Jim DiEugenio responds to Washington Post columnist Max Boot’s recent piece, which is devoid of any genuine criticism and full of non-analytic smears.
Tuesday, 21 December 2021 16:33

Why Tim Weiner Never Called Me

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In response to Tim Weiner’s hatchet job on JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass in Rolling Stone magazine, Jim DiEugenio exposes the false alternatives and hypocrisy used in this review, which ignores the work of the Assassination Records Review Board and other new evidence presented in the film.
Friday, 17 December 2021 04:37

Alecia Long Lays An Egg: Part 2

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Jim DiEugenio responds to Alecia Long’s latest foray into JFK assassination disinformation by correcting her obvious mistakes and oversights and exposing her brazen attempts at misdirection in reviewing Olive Stone’s new documentary JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass.
Wednesday, 15 December 2021 04:18

Creating the Oswald Legend: Appendix

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Vasilios Vazakas provides a helpful appendix for his multi-part series on “Creating the Oswald Legend” identifying the actors and players on this grand chess board.
Monday, 13 December 2021 05:54

Creating the Oswald Legend: Conclusion

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Vasilios Vazakas concludes his seven-part investigation into the creation of the Oswald legend by exploring the delay in opening up a CIA 201 file using Betsy Wolf’s HSCA investigation notes and its relation to James Angleton’s use of mole hunts as cover for more sinister operations.
Saturday, 04 December 2021 19:19

The Joker in the Jet Effect

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Soon after this story was published, I got a call from a physicist at Cal Tech. He said my find was “astonishing—it was right under our nose—and yet had gone unnoticed.” The story was first published in The Fourth Decade, January, 1996. It shows exactly how low an esteemed scientist will go to sell the government approved version of the Kennedy assassination. This latest version contains a little more, and a little less than the original.
Gary Aguilar MD and with Cyril Wecht MD, JD continue their expose of the fraud perpetrated on peer reviewed journals by Warren Commission Apologists in focusing on the strange case of an intended 3-part article in the journal Neurosurgery in which the irregular influence and collaboration of Larry Sturdivan was easily revealed in a thorough refutation of the contents of the first two parts. Part 3 was never published.
Demonstrating how so much pro-government nonsense has gotten through peer review and into scientific journals, Gary Aguilar MD and Cyril Wecht MD, JD, expose the cherry-picking and outright deception in pseudo-science articles from Warren Commission apologists like Luis Alvarez, John Lattimer, Larry Sturdivan, Lucien Haag, Michael Haag, Ken Rahn, and Nicholas Nalli.
Benjamin Cole continues his expose of the evidence regarding the bullet holes in Governor John Connally’s clothing by tracing their curious, even wacky, journey, dubious chain-of-custody, and contamination, culminating in the bungled failures of the Warren Commission and House Select Committee on Assassinations to properly analyze them in ascertaining the facts of the JFK assassination.
Arnaldo Fernandez revisits the late-in-life revelations of Antonio Veciana and pieces together a more plausible sequence of events and motivations for these various accounts and their relationship to the plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy.
Mark Adamczyk analyzes President Joe Biden’s action, or lack thereof, on authorizing the release of the remaining classified JFK assassinations records per the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, which had been unlawfully delayed by President Donald Trump in 2017 and 2018, and calls for Congressional oversight to finally enforce the 1992 law.
Saturday, 23 October 2021 18:17

Revising the JFK Cover Up: via Malcolm Blunt

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Utilizing new research from Malcolm Blunt, Jim DiEugenio catalogs just how pervasive and extensive the JFK assassination cover-up was across the Warren Commission through the machinations of Allen Dulles and Howard Willens, the mainstream media through the reporting of Hugh Aynesworth, Holland McCombs, and Walter Sheridan, and the House Select Committee on Assassinations’ attempt to change the location of the JFK head wound and to obscure the connections of Oswald with Guy Banister and Cuban exiles in New Orleans.
Johnny Cairns continues his multi-part reexamination of the key evidence against Lee Harvey Oswald in the assassination of JFK by reviewing the discovery, photography, and chain of custody of the Mannlicher-Carcano shells and the dubious identification of fingerprints belonging to Oswald.

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