John Fitzgerald Kennedy (470)

The disappearance of this item which originally appeared on the (first) Dallas police list of Oswald's belongings points to collusion between the Paines and the FBI, argues Carol Hewett.
Lisa Pease explores Thomas Dodd's role in the Congo crisis and the Dodd connections to CIA and FBI assets in New Orleans in this provocative two-part article.
Tuesday, 15 October 1996 23:18

Sylvia Odio vs. Liebeler & the La Fontaines

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Gaeton Fonzi's interview with Silvia Odio for the Church Committee, reproduced here, reveals that the Warren Commission was intent on covering up conspiracy, as Wesley Liebeler baldly asserted to her.
Tuesday, 15 October 1996 22:28

The Files Fiasco

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Gary Aguilar details his unfortunate personal experience with the producer of a current video entitled "The Murder of JFK: Confession of an Assassin". Gary traces back its auspices to Joe West and the Roscoe White interlude that also purported to solve the case.
Carol Hewett explores Ruth Paine's possible latter-day intelligence connections.
Thursday, 15 August 1996 20:31

Robert Tanenbaum interviewed by Probe

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The first Deputy Counsel chosen by Richard Sprague to direct the efforts of the House Select Committee recounts to Jim DiEugenio his experiences on that ill-fated mission.
Saturday, 15 June 1996 19:25

JFK, Indonesia, CIA & Freeport Sulphur

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The second part of Lisa Pease's study of the links between Freeport Sulphur, the CIA and the JFK assassination focuses on Kennedy's Indonesian policy.
Saturday, 15 June 1996 16:18

The Creation of the Warren Commission

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Based on the release in 1993 of the White House telephone transcripts for the period immediately following the assassination, Donald Gibson shows that the idea for the Warren Commission was pushed on LBJ by Joseph Alsop and Eugene Rostow – people belonging to the same eastern establishment power elite in which Allen Dulles circulated.
Monday, 15 April 1996 19:40

Maurice Bishop and “The Spook” Hal Hendrix

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A sidebar to Lisa Pease's study of Freeport Sulphur and its relationship to the JFK assassination which suggests a connection between David Phillips and Hal Hendrix.
Monday, 15 April 1996 19:37

Freeport Sulphur's Powerful Board of Directors

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A sidebar to Lisa Pease's study of Freeport Sulphur and its relationship to the JFK assassination, delineating the members of the board of directors.
Lisa Pease reports on Freeport Sulphur and its relationship to the JFK assassination, exposing links between its board of directors and the CIA, David Atlee Phillips and Clay Shaw.
A sidebar to Lisa Pease's study of Freeport Sulphur and its relationship to the JFK assassination which exposes links between John Hay Whitney and Ambassador to Cuba Earl Smith.
Bill Davy rebuts the New York Times article by Gerald Posner claiming that the Garrison files reveal his case against Shaw to be a fraud.
Thursday, 15 February 1996 18:58

James Phelan

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Because of his writings on the Kennedy assassination in the Post, New York Times, and his book Scandals, Scamps, and Scoundrels, many have harbored suspicions about Phelan's independence as a writer. What makes him even more suspicious is the company he has kept throughout the years, writes Jim DiEugenio.
Friday, 15 December 1995 22:30

Silencers, Sniper Rifles & the CIA

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Carol Hewett discusses the possibility of silenced weapons having been used in Dealey Plaza, an idea which up to the time of publication of this article in 1995 had been surprisingly unexplored.
The following is the transcript by Dave Manning of Jim DiEugenio's interview with John McCarthy concerning McCarthy's court martial trial for murder, in South Vietnam, January 29-31, 1968 and the involvement of Colonel Pierre Finck in a cover-up of exculpatory evidence.
Knowledge of the background of men like Fisher, Gordon, Hannah, Sterling and Bromley make it increasingly difficult to ... [believe] that "each has acted with complete and unbiased independence, free of preconceived views as to the correctness of the medical conclusions reached in the 1963 Autopsy Report and Supplementary Report", writes Lisa Pease.
Friday, 15 December 1995 21:51

The Magician's Tools

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One thing seems certain: what did the majority of witnesses hear when Connally was shot? Nothing, writes Milicent Cranor.

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