John Fitzgerald Kennedy (452)

Gary King responds to part 1 of Seamus Coogan's article on Alex Jones, and Seamus replies.
As Gil Jesus has noted, Von Pein is a lost and silly person. He likes to call Commission critics "kooks" and "nuts" to disguise his own imbalances. Namely, that he is in denial of the evidence, writes Jim DiEugenio.
Friday, 30 April 2010 14:25

JFK Autopsy X-rays: David Mantik vs. Pat Speer

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David Mantik replies to criticisms made by Pad Speer of his conclusions concerning the 6.5 mm bright object and the "white patch".
Thursday, 01 April 2010 17:25

David Von Pein: Hosting Comedy Central Soon?

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He has been trying to sell Reclaiming History as the Holy Grail to the JFK case for about five years. To put it mildly, it hasn't panned out as he claimed. He can't admit that. Since because of his unwise advertising campaign, he now has egg all over his face, writes Jim DiEugenio.
Though my extensive examination of Bermas's film Invisible Empire may seem to take us off the path of Alex Jones and the Kennedy case, Kennedy is still very much in the picture, if a little more to the background. What this does is serve to give us an insight into the poor grasp of history, society, and theology which abounds in the Jones nexus, writes Seamus Coogan.
Wednesday, 17 March 2010 20:58

Alex Jones on the Kennedy Murder: A Painful Case

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Jones, the self-styled conspiracy baron, is so polarizing within his own crank territory, that it was hard to find any credible voices in critique of him. I hope this fills that gap, writes Seamus Coogan.
An index of various articles exposing CBS's ongoing obfuscation of the JFK case.
Sunday, 02 August 2009 19:22

The JFK 10-Point Program

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Joseph Green calls upon the community of assassination researchers to find common ground, outlining a set of ten elements which can be agreed upon and which should be used in public pronouncements and to inform their organizational capacity.
How President Obama's Supreme Court nominee and a clique of judges saved Gerald Posner, Bob Loomis, and the Warren Report, by Roger Bruce Feinman, J.D.
Tuesday, 16 June 2009 18:07

Gus Russo Marches On: Or, Rust Never Sleeps

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Jim DiEugenio provides an advance reaction to Brothers in Arms, by Gus Russo and Stephen Molton, as announced in an article in American Heritage magazine.
Friday, 06 June 2008 19:12

Letter to Rep. Henry Waxman

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Jim Lesar, president of the Assassination Archives and Research Center in Washington, sent the following letter to Rep. Henry Waxman, who chairs the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. The Committee has oversight responsibilities for the JFK Records Act, but in ten years has held no hearings.
Wednesday, 30 April 2008 19:38

ABC, JFK, and the Road to Philadelphia

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The sorry performance of the media in pre-loading the 2008 presidential debate in Philadelphia comes as no surprise to those who have followed how they have treated topics like the John F. Kennedy presidency in the past, writes Jim DiEugenio.
Author James DiEugenio updates his original article criticizing several narratives concerning JFK and the assassination which have recently gained notoreity.
Author James DiEugenio critiques several narratives concerning JFK and the assassination which have recently gained notoreity.
Saturday, 08 September 2007 22:43

Jefferies' Film and the Bunching of JFK's Suit Coat

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The amount of bunching of the suit coat in the Jefferies film is not significant enough to raise the entrance wounds to the base of the neck. It is an experiment that can easily be done, writes Chuck Marler.
Saturday, 25 August 2007 22:37

"New" Film of JFK Route

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Just how extensively this new Jefferies film will be used to promote jacket-bunching to explain the jacket/body discrepancy remains to be seen, writes John Kelin.
Saturday, 04 August 2007 22:47

Warrior for Peace

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At the height of the cold war, Kennedy found a way to inch back from the nuclear precipice. Under relentless pressures to go to war, he kept the peace. He talked to his enemies; he recognized the limits of American power; he understood that our true power came from our democratic ideals, not our military prowess. He is still a man ahead of his time, writes David Talbot.
Jim DiEugenio remarks on the July 2, 2007 issue of Time featuring seven essays on JFK, that he "can't recall a previous time when Time actually printed a genuine pro-conspiracy essay on the Kennedy case in its pages."

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