John Fitzgerald Kennedy (446)

Wednesday, 20 September 2023 15:09

Part 1 of 6: No Motive, plus the Silenced Witnesses

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Scottish researcher Johnny Cairns outlines 60 reasons disproving the official Warren Commission conclusions.
Tuesday, 22 August 2023 03:36

The Mystery of Kennedy’s Brain Deepens

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Jim DiEugenio explains two new pieces of testimony by the Review Board which makes the mystery of what happened to Kennedy’s brain even more inexplicable and incriminating than before.
Wednesday, 16 August 2023 10:32

Old Wine in New Bottles: Fletcher Prouty’s New Critics Recycle the Past

Written by Jeff Carter
Jeff Carter continues our examination of what the ARRB, and especially Tim Wray, went out of their way to do to the late Fletcher Prouty. Including denying (falsely) that there were military supplements to Secret Service details. Is this why the Board could not keep its schedule as to declassifying all the JFK documents?Part 1: Fletcher Prouty vs. the ARRB by James DiEugenio
Friday, 11 August 2023 01:14

How Oswald Was Framed for the Murder of Tippit: Part 3

Written by Jack Myers
Jack Myers does an extensive review of the Tippit case examining the dubious witness testimony, the ballistics evidence, and the mysterious purchase of the murder weapon.Part 1: The WitnessesPart 2: The Oswald Double and the Purchase of the Murder WeaponPart 3: The Manipulation of Oswald
Jack Myers does an extensive review of the Tippit case examining the dubious witness testimony, the ballistics evidence, and the mysterious purchase of the murder weapon.Part 1: The WitnessesPart 2: The Oswald Double and the Purchase of the Murder WeaponPart 3: The Manipulation of Oswald
Tuesday, 08 August 2023 10:36

How Oswald Was Framed for the Murder of Tippit

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Jack Myers does an extensive review of the Tippit case examining the dubious witness testimony, the ballistics evidence, and the purchase of the murder weapon.Part 1: The WitnessesPart 2: The Oswald Double and the Purchase of the Murder WeaponPart 3: The Manipulation of Oswald
Sunday, 30 July 2023 06:51

Allen Dulles’ Weekend at The Farm

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Researcher Robert Morrow relocates Dulles' datebook from the weekend of the assassination. This was originally found by Lisa Pease and written about by David Talbot, but since had somehow gone missing.
Two lawyers expert on the JFK Act show us how President Biden and the CIA have plotted to alter and negate both the spirit and the letter of the law. You will not find a better essay on this subject than this one. Only people who have studied the act in depth could show us in detail how it has been neutered.
Friday, 14 July 2023 03:34

Fact-Checking the Sixth Floor Museum

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Our reporter gives a rundown on how fair and balanced the Sixth Floor Museum is on the JFK case in light of today's state of the evidence.
President Kennedy was killed almost 60 years ago under the most suspect circumstances. What secret operations from more than a half century ago could outweigh the need for total disclosure of that murder?
Two disgusting exhibitions, by Mate and Hedges. This is what happens when liberal “alternative” reporters put their trust in Sy Hersh’s atrocity of a book. Someone should wash Hedges’ mouth out with soap.
Daniel Ellsberg recently passed on. Let us not forget his struggle to get the Pentagon Papers published in the public domain, thus exposing the fraud of the Vietnam War. Let us also not forget the failed attempts by Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger to stop publication and send Ellsberg to prison.
Alexander Sill explores the likely reasons for the death of President Kennedy, evidence against probable suspects, Harry Truman's ominous and prophetic warning a month later, and the dangers of America living in a veiled state about its past.
Alexander Sill examines the probable reasons why the CIA and National Security State do not want to give up the last of the JFK documents still being withheld. Even though that defiance is in violation of both the spirit and the letter of the law as written into the JFK Records Collection Act of 1992.
Thursday, 08 June 2023 04:02

Uncovering Popov's Mole

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Paul Bleau explores the intricacies uncovered in John Newman's latest book. Among them: Was Yuri Nosenko a false defector? Was Bruce Solie the mole who was never found?
Jim examines Celozzi's escape into mythology in the second part of his documentary. Which begins with tall tales from Judy Exner, nonsense about Marilyn Monroe, and moonshine from the novel Double Cross. It ends up in an ever shifting scenario of who and how President Kennedy was killed. The scenario changed from the documentary to the first draft of the script. John Rosselli happened to drop in.
Jim DiEugenio renders the actual facts about the rise, the leadership and the fall of Sam Giancana in Chicago, his duel with Bobby Kennedy, his escape to Mexico, and his ultimate murder in his own home likely at the hands of his own aide-de-camp. Nicholas Celozzi does an adequate job on this.
Tom Gram and Ben Cole make the case that the bullet found by the police at Walker's house is likely not the bullet presented as such by the Warren Commission. They present indications that the FBI and Dallas Police probably knew about this. If the bullet is really not copper coated, then this opens up the question: How could Oswald have fired it?

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