One of the most respected researchers and writers on the political assassinations of the 1960s, Jim DiEugenio is the author of two books, Destiny Betrayed (1992/2012) and The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today (2018), co-author of The Assassinations, and co-edited Probe Magazine (1993-2000). See "About Us" for a fuller bio.
Having recently recounted Vincent Salandria's faithful support of Jim Garrison, Jim DiEugenio now examines Sylvia Meagher's own relationship to Jim Garrison and her unflinching defense of Clay Shaw to the point of stubbornly refusing to consider the last year and a half of Garrison’s investigation and files.
Jim DiEugenio remembers and recounts the significant contributions to the JFK assassination case of Vincent Salandria, who was one of the first researchers and one who was trying to expose the overthrow of the government shortly after it happened.
Now that Soledad O’Brien’s podcast, Murder on the Towpath, has aired all 8 episodes, Jim DiEugenio breaks down the series, revealing the misinformation and dubious witnesses used to construct her false narrative that Mary Pinchot Meyer was killed as a result of a conspiracy.
With a new documentary and a new autobiography coming out, Oliver Stone is once again being met, in advance, by trolls intent on burying the truth of JFK’s foreign policy and his assassination. Jim DiEugenio exposes this plain hackery in examining the recent claims of Tom Fordy and Howie Carr.
After engaging with Matt Stevenson of CounterPunch in the past by countering his Vietnam myths, Jim DiEugenio now confronts a recent article of his referencing Mafia involvement in the election of 1960 and uses the opportunity to expose the lies from the underlying source, Double Cross.
Did Dovey Roundtree throw herself into the case a bit too hard? Jim DiEugenio examines the inconsistent stories surrounding the potential alibi witness, “Vivian,” and wonders if it is a story she spun beyond recognition to defend her client.
Jim DiEugenio reviews the history of Politico in supporting the two-party status quo and then dissects sportswriter Peter Keating’s article, “How JFK Paved the Way for Donald Trump,” as uninformed and counter-factual.
Jim DiEugenio continues his new look at Warren Commission witness Kerry Thornley in light of Adam Gorightly’s The Prankster and the Conspiracy and re-examines his testimony through the lens of his biography and connections in New Orleans.
Jim DiEugenio takes a new look at Warren Commission witness Kerry Thornley in light of Adam Gorightly’s The Pranskter and the Conspiracy and re-examines his testimony through the lens of his biography and connections in New Orleans.
As Soleded O’Brien launches her 8-part podcast on the murder of Mary Meyer entitled Murder on the Towpath, Jim DiEugenio recalls her work on the Martin Luther King, Jr. assassination case and introduces a special 9-part series here on KennedysAndKing. We will post a Mary Meyer article each week of the podcast and then Jim will write a summary on the ninth week.
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