Wednesday, 27 September 2023 17:56

Mark Shaw Insults Allen, Texas: Part 2

Written by Donald McGovern
Marilyn Monroe expert Don McGovern examines what Mark Shaw advertises as a key piece of evidence about Bobby Kennedy. Under Don's microscope, it turns out to be a lot less than Shaw advertised.
Wednesday, 27 September 2023 17:36

Mark Shaw Insults Allen, Texas: Part 1

Written by James DiEugenio
Jim DiEugenio describes the problems with Mark Shaw's address at the Allen LIbrary in Texas. Shaw is a lawyer, his speech was about as unlawyerly as one can get in a murder case.
Scottish researcher Johnny Cairns outlines 60 reasons disproving the official Warren Commission conclusions.
Wednesday, 20 September 2023 15:09

Part 1 of 6: No Motive, plus the Silenced Witnesses

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Scottish researcher Johnny Cairns outlines 60 reasons disproving the official Warren Commission conclusions.
In the light of the recent events in Los Angeles, Jim DiEugenio makes the case for Secret Service protection for RFK, Jr.
Thursday, 24 August 2023 08:09

Hoover vs. King: The ARRB Documents

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Jim DiEugenio re-examines the battle between J. Edgar Hoover and Martin Luther King before and after Kennedy's assassination. With new documents he shows that Hoover interceded overseas in order to smear King and limit his interaction with foreign dignitaries.
Tuesday, 22 August 2023 03:36

The Mystery of Kennedy’s Brain Deepens

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Jim DiEugenio explains two new pieces of testimony by the Review Board which makes the mystery of what happened to Kennedy’s brain even more inexplicable and incriminating than before.
Jeff Carter continues our examination of what the ARRB, and especially Tim Wray, went out of their way to do to the late Fletcher Prouty. Including denying (falsely) that there were military supplements to Secret Service details. Is this why the Board could not keep its schedule as to declassifying all the JFK documents?Part 1: Fletcher Prouty vs. the ARRB by James DiEugenio
Jack Myers does an extensive review of the Tippit case examining the dubious witness testimony, the ballistics evidence, and the mysterious purchase of the murder weapon.Part 1: The WitnessesPart 2: The Oswald Double and the Purchase of the Murder WeaponPart 3: The Manipulation of Oswald
Jack Myers does an extensive review of the Tippit case examining the dubious witness testimony, the ballistics evidence, and the mysterious purchase of the murder weapon.Part 1: The WitnessesPart 2: The Oswald Double and the Purchase of the Murder WeaponPart 3: The Manipulation of Oswald
Tuesday, 08 August 2023 10:36

How Oswald Was Framed for the Murder of Tippit

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Jack Myers does an extensive review of the Tippit case examining the dubious witness testimony, the ballistics evidence, and the purchase of the murder weapon.Part 1: The WitnessesPart 2: The Oswald Double and the Purchase of the Murder WeaponPart 3: The Manipulation of Oswald
Sunday, 30 July 2023 06:51

Allen Dulles’ Weekend at The Farm

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Researcher Robert Morrow relocates Dulles' datebook from the weekend of the assassination. This was originally found by Lisa Pease and written about by David Talbot, but since had somehow gone missing.
Two lawyers expert on the JFK Act show us how President Biden and the CIA have plotted to alter and negate both the spirit and the letter of the law. You will not find a better essay on this subject than this one. Only people who have studied the act in depth could show us in detail how it has been neutered.
Friday, 14 July 2023 03:34

Fact-Checking the Sixth Floor Museum

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Our reporter gives a rundown on how fair and balanced the Sixth Floor Museum is on the JFK case in light of today's state of the evidence.
President Kennedy was killed almost 60 years ago under the most suspect circumstances. What secret operations from more than a half century ago could outweigh the need for total disclosure of that murder?
Two disgusting exhibitions, by Mate and Hedges. This is what happens when liberal “alternative” reporters put their trust in Sy Hersh’s atrocity of a book. Someone should wash Hedges’ mouth out with soap.
Daniel Ellsberg recently passed on. Let us not forget his struggle to get the Pentagon Papers published in the public domain, thus exposing the fraud of the Vietnam War. Let us also not forget the failed attempts by Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger to stop publication and send Ellsberg to prison.
Robert Kennedy Jr.’s candidacy for the Democratic nomination for president has raised the ire of many people in the MSM establishment. Let us examine some of those attacks and analyze what the late Hunter Thompson called this “fear and loathing” on the campaign trail.

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