Thursday, 21 July 2022 05:05

Fletcher Prouty vs Edward Epstein

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Reader James Finn has clipped two valuable stories from the MSM that illustrate the point Fletcher Prouty was making about Kennedy’s withdrawal plan already impacting the war economy and that fact that JFK’s death turned that deceleration around in a hurry. As an intro, Jim DiEugenio reviews Prouty’s position and Edward Epstein’s attack on it.
Here we publish a retrospective of late 20th Century research on Ruth and Michael Paine by Carol Hewett, Steve Jones, and Barbara La Monica as originally printed in Probe Magazine. These authors did some ground-breaking work in this area and we owe a debt of gratitude to them for the evidence they uncovered and the insights they provided.
Saturday, 04 June 2022 18:09

Fletcher Prouty vs. the ARRB

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Jim DiEugenio revisits the lost opportunity of Fletcher Prouty’s appearance before the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) by reviewing the initial formation and constitution of the board and then by examining the peculiar history of the board’s “112th Military Intelligence Project.”
We publish here Jim DiEugenio’s slides from his JFK Revisited: Destiny Betrayed presentation at Antelope Valley College on March 22, 2022, where he presents the basic facts of the case to the next generation after first outlining the cultural and media milieu of the day and then concluding with the dark and lasting consequences of the assassination on U.S. foreign policy.
Saturday, 16 April 2022 23:26

Cleaning up after My Debate with Buzzanco

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While Oliver Stone was excited about the results of Jim DiEugenio’s debate with Robert Buzzanco on Aaron Good’s podcast American Exception, Jim follows up on the debate in this article by addressing some of the charges made during the debate which require careful and detailed refutation.
Saturday, 09 April 2022 15:58

Marilyn, Tony Summers, and his Paper Tiger

Written by Donald McGovern
With the release of a new Netflix documentary entitled The Mystery of Marilyn Monroe: The Unheard Tapes looming, Anthony Summers recently published an article on the case in Vanity Fair magazine and now Don McGovern provides the missing fact checking of that article in correcting the record with respect to the dubious Agnes Flanagan story of the stuffed tiger toy.
Sunday, 27 March 2022 23:48

Paul Bleau’s Dealey Plaza UK Talk

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A synopsis of Paul Beau’s overview of the Jim Garrison files as supplied to him by Len Osanic as given as an address to the Dealey Plaza UK group. Paul read every page of the late DA’s files that Len had. The Canadian researcher supplies his comments, insights, and also the additional work he did on these thousands of pages. This talk will be followed by a series of articles on these papers for KennedysAndKing.
Benjamin Cole reexamines the “Walker Incident” and offers a better explanation than the one provided in the Warren Report by accounting for all of the anomalies in the evidence and witness accounts.
Saturday, 19 March 2022 17:18

Doug Horne Replies: On Oswald’s Earnings

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One of the most attention getting parts of JFK: Destiny Betrayed, the four-hour version, is the revelation by Douglas Horne about Oswald’s earnings before he defected to Russia. As the former military records analyst for the Assassination Records Review Board, his voice carries some weight on this issue. He says in the film that he learned from an official contact that Oswald was not being paid by the Marines in the third quarter of 1959. This is quite an interesting statement, especially in light of the fact that Oswald left the Marines under a hardship discharge, visited Texas briefly, and then left for Russia at this time. This was after somehow acquiring the Russian language while in the Marines. We asked Doug to amplify on this important issue for us and he kindly did so.
Thursday, 10 February 2022 05:31

Neurology and Jiggle Analysis

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Milicent Cranor reexamines some of the historical research using neurology and jiggle analysis to assess the blurred images in the Zapruder film and discusses the complexities of the auditory startle reflex. [Note: This article, posted long ago on a defunct website, is still relevant.]
Friday, 04 February 2022 03:49

The Unprecedented Debate over JFK Revisited

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In our on-going series responding to the American media coverage of Oliver Stone’s new documentary JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, Jim DiEugenio examines how this unprecedented debate persists in using dubious and discredited sources in an attempt to somehow lessen the growing impact that the new evidence presented in the film is having.
Tuesday, 25 January 2022 23:49

Gavin Newsom and Sirhan’s Parole

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Jim DiEugenio reviews the possible motivations for the governor of California’s decision to overturn the parole board’s approval of Sirhan’ release this past September.
Tuesday, 25 January 2022 22:01

The Kirknewton Incident

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Scott Reid reviews the case of David Christensen, who, like another serviceman, Eugene Dinkin, may have also been an “accidental witness to history, having had prior knowledge of the JFK assassination, alerting the appropriate authorities who then did nothing and failed to protect the President.”
Wednesday, 12 January 2022 16:40

Gerald Posner vs Oliver Stone’s JFK Revisited

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Gerald Posner recently emerged from obscurity to try to counter Oliver Stone’s JFK Revisited documentary by hawking digital copies of his 1993 book Cased Closed, so Jim DiEugenio yet again demonstrates to Stone’s detractors how the documentary uses evidence released by the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB), which cannot be refuted by a dated Warren Commission apologia based on an obsolete evidentiary record.
Saturday, 08 January 2022 19:33

The Post and the 30th Anniversary of JFK

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The Washington Post continues to smear Oliver Stone thirty years after JFK was released, so Jim DiEugenio continues to inject evidence, scholarship, and truth into the discussion to expose the bias of the mainstream media and their continued participation in the cover-up of the JFK assassination.
Sunday, 02 January 2022 21:48

Max Boot vs JFK Revisited

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In this latest installment of what is now a multi-part series answering the disinformation and lies of the Warren Commission apologists reviewing Oliver Stone’s new film JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, Jim DiEugenio responds to Washington Post columnist Max Boot’s recent piece, which is devoid of any genuine criticism and full of non-analytic smears.
Tuesday, 21 December 2021 16:33

Why Tim Weiner Never Called Me

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In response to Tim Weiner’s hatchet job on JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass in Rolling Stone magazine, Jim DiEugenio exposes the false alternatives and hypocrisy used in this review, which ignores the work of the Assassination Records Review Board and other new evidence presented in the film.
Friday, 17 December 2021 04:37

Alecia Long Lays An Egg: Part 2

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Jim DiEugenio responds to Alecia Long’s latest foray into JFK assassination disinformation by correcting her obvious mistakes and oversights and exposing her brazen attempts at misdirection in reviewing Olive Stone’s new documentary JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass.

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