Knowledge of the background of men like Fisher, Gordon, Hannah, Sterling and Bromley make it increasingly difficult to ... [believe] that "each has acted with complete and unbiased independence, free of preconceived views as to the correctness of the medical conclusions reached in the 1963 Autopsy Report and Supplementary Report", writes Lisa Pease.
Friday, 15 December 1995 21:51

The Magician's Tools

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One thing seems certain: what did the majority of witnesses hear when Connally was shot? Nothing, writes Milicent Cranor.
Friday, 15 December 1995 21:28

BPR, eh?

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Remarks on Nagell's often humorous code.
Friday, 15 December 1995 21:20

The Private Correspondence of Richard Case Nagell

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A letter from Richard Case Nagell to his friend Arturo Verdestein.
Friday, 15 December 1995 21:06

ARRB: Behind the Curtain

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The organizational hierarchy of the ARRB is discussed.
Monday, 16 October 1995 20:41

FBI vs. ARRB: Heading Into Overtime

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The first fight with ARRB over declassification of files: the FBI digs in its heels over 15 it deems "sensitive".
Friday, 15 September 1995 14:42

Response to Mary La Fontaine's Recent Letter

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In which La Fontaine accuses Carol Hewett of plagiarizing her work on John Thomas Masen.
Tuesday, 15 August 1995 23:53

The FBI's Fib about the Mannlicher Carcano

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How would the public have responded to the information that, when firing the last shot, the bullet would have gone at least 14 inches above the point of aim on Kennedy's head?, asks Milicent Cranor.
Tuesday, 15 August 1995 23:41

Connick vs. Garrison: Round Three

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Jim DiEugenio follows the twists and turns in Connick's statements concerning the destruction of Jim Garrison's files, and the media's hand in obfuscating the facts.
Tuesday, 15 August 1995 19:35

Canning's Letter to Blakey

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In which are found allegations of evidence left compartmentalized, accusations of staff infighting, and the assertion that the medical panel gave him conflicting data.
Revelations concerning the charges of obstruction of justice, subornation of perjury and cover-up in the RFK case, along with the first public viewing of the nine-shot, .22 caliber revolver owned by Cesar and found after 25 years in an Arkansas pond.
Remarks by, and about the important contributions of, Anna Marie Kuhns-Walko, Carol Hewett, Milicent Cranor and Cindy McNeill.
Monday, 31 July 1995 13:27

Wecht Responds to Boswell: 1995 to 1969

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In response to a slur concerning his professional reputation in a memorandum from 1969.
“The ‘not altogether complimentary letter’ may prove to outline the reasons that the HSCA failed so miserably in their investigation of the John F. Kennedy assassination,” writes Kathleen Cunningham.
On persons of interest bridging the JFK Assassination and the 1972 break-in.
Authors Robert Hennelly and Jerry Policoff discuss how the media subverted the truth when airing stories on the JFK assassination.

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