Acting as Probe's correspondent, Jim Douglass covered every session of these proceedings in Memphis; he was the only journalist to do so. This is his report.
Steve Jones discusses the contents and contradictions within Marina Oswald's testimony to Jim Garrison's Grand Jury during his investigation of the assassination.
Wednesday, 01 March 2000 18:05

The King Trial: What the Media Didn't Tell You

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Tennessee author Mike Vinson recounts some of the key events from the Loyd Jowers conspiracy trial and his talks with some of the people involved in the case.
Tuesday, 15 February 2000 22:46

Interview with Richard Sprague

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Sprague reveals his thoughts on the assassination and discusses his experiences with the House Select Committee.
Jim DiEugenio shows how the major media twists and distorts the evidence to downplay the incredible significance that a jury found that there had been a conspiracy to assassinate Dr. Martin Luther King, and that Loyd Jowers was involved.
Excerpted from a longer version which appeared in Lobster magazine (UK), this chronological study suggests interesting traits in common with the JFK assassination.
Wednesday, 15 December 1999 23:31

The Sins of Robert Blakey, Part 2

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Jim DiEugenio continues his detailed review, based on declassified records, of how Blakey manoeuvered the HSCA investigation towards preconceived conclusions, and his deference toward CIA.
Wednesday, 15 December 1999 22:00

Jesse Ventura Takes On the Establishment re JFK Case

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[His] statements, to say the least, are not the pre-recorded stock answers that advisers beat into their bosses. Whatever one thinks of them, they show that, at least for right now, Ventura is his own man. And only that type could have made the remarks he did – to an audience of 3.4 million readers – on the murder of President Kennedy, writes Jim DiEugenio.
Wednesday, 15 December 1999 21:53

Edward Epstein: Warren Commission Critic?

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Jim DiEugenio looks closely at the record of one of the earliest critics, Edward Epstein, and questions whether he was ever a critic at all. Epstein's later work showed him to be little more than a wonk for the establishment. So how good was his first book, Inquest? DiEugenio answers that and other questions about Epstein, and talks about Epstein's work with the CIA and notably, James Angleton.
Lisa Pease wonders aloud why the major media have given next to no attention to the only serious trial to ever have been conducted regarding the assassination of Martin Luther King. Pease pulls together the little information that has come out to present to the readers what the major media isn't telling them.
Friday, 15 October 1999 20:54

Oswald, the CIA and Mexico City

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An excerpt from some of John Newman's groundbreaking work on the Oswald imposter in Mexico City.
Mike Vinson contributed this interesting article about how Jerry Ray, James Earl Ray's brother, has been attempting to gain possession of the alleged murder weapon in order to do legitimate testing on the rifle. Ray is convinced a genuine test would clear his brother's name in terms of the shooting of Martin Luther King.
Jim DiEugenio reports on his research into the Rose Cheramie story.
Sunday, 15 August 1999 14:39

Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin?

Written by Barry Chamish
It is a certainty that Rabin suffered a frontal chest wound and spinal shock, neither of which Yigal Amir could physically have caused, argues Barry Chamish.
Tuesday, 15 June 1999 17:47

Bremer & Wallace: It's Déjà Vu All Over Again

Written by Lisa Pease
Uncanny links to and similarities with the RFK case, which appears to be awash in CIA involvement, are laid bare in this analysis by Lisa Pease.
Because no one pursued the truth about Lumumba at the time, and no one found the truth about Hammarskjold's death, assassination remained a viable way to change foreign policy, writes Lisa Pease.
Thursday, 15 April 1999 14:51

The Attempted Coup Against FDR

Written by Barbara LaMonica
Although the coup never materialized, the unrelenting propaganda attack against Roosevelt and the New Deal reforms continued, spearheaded by the American Liberty League, writes Barbara LaMonica.
Monday, 15 February 1999 22:16

Dodd and Dulles vs. Kennedy in Africa

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The following is not polemics. It is actually history. It tells the truth about an important event. But as it does so, it reveals the true character of the men who helped mold it: Eisenhower, Allen Dulles, Lumumba, Thomas Dodd, Joseph Mobutu, Hammarskjold, Moise Tshombe, Cyrille Adoula, Johnson and, primarily, JFK – writes Jim DiEugenio.

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