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John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

Gordon Goldstein, Lessons in Disaster

Although [Bundy] thought [Halberstam's The Best and the Brightest] was an entertaining and informative read, he concluded that the central thesis was just wrong. It was not the advisers—the best...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

James Blight, Virtual JFK (Part 2)

The book is well worth buying. In my view, it closes the chapter on a debate that has been going on since 1992. As shown here, it's a debate that should have never started, concludes Jim DiEugenio. ...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
David Mantik

Douglas Horne, Inside the ARRB (Part IV)

I stand in awe of the scope, detail, and profound insights that Horne has achieved, especially in the medical evidence – to say nothing of his Olympian effort. ... The bottom line is that I feel...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

Douglas Horne, Inside the ARRB

There is much of value [in this book], if you are willing to spend a lot of time sifting through five volumes. If it had been half as long, it might have been twice as good, writes Jim DiEugenio. ...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
David Mantik

Donald Byron Thomas, Hear No Evil: Social Constructivism and the Forensic Evidence In the Kennedy Assassination

David Mantik’s extensive review of Don Thomas’s book has been overhauled and revised; it now appears on his own website. We have removed the now superseded version which first appeared on ...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Martin Hay

Donald Byron Thomas, Hear No Evil: Social Constructivism and the Forensic Evidence In the Kennedy Assassination – Two Reviews (1)

Thomas shows how people like Luis Alverez, John Lattimer and Larry Sturdivan all constructed dubious theories “for the purpose of explaining away the obvious reason for the head snap, and all su...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

Rodger Remington, Biting the Elephant

An account of its author's attempts to correspond with, and perhaps understand, several prominent lone nut supporters, reviewed by Jim DiEugenio. ...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Joseph E. Green

David Aaronovitch, Voodoo Histories

If the author had truly been serious about writing an overview of conspiracies, he might have left behind the large package of straw men gathered in this book ... [and] instead chosen from any number ...

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