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Monthly Archives Category Total: 13.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Vasilios Vazakas

Charles E. Hurlburt, It's Time For The Truth! The JFK Cover-up: The Real Crime of the Century

This book is really an entry level book for the novice, an overview of the assassination that tries to touch all of its aspects. ... Its major themes, like the shooting sequence and the identification...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

Michael Swanson, The War State

A valuable Big Picture book, one with many new sources for study, which bring in much fascinating information. The light [Swanson] sheds on men like Nitze and Acheson show just what hollow clowns the ...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

Jean Davison, Oswald's Game

Oswald's Game really tells us more about the biases and obsessions of Jean Davison on the Kennedy case than it does about its ostensible subject. Which is really the worst thing one can say about a bi...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

Jeff Greenfield, If Kennedy Lived

The once progressive co-author of A Populist Manifesto with this book has written the worst kind of alternative history, one seriously colored by the view from the present, and more specifically, of t...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

Jeffrey Sachs, To Move The World

    Jim DiEugenio reviews Columbia University economist and author Jeffrey Sachs' latest book, which examines Kennedy's famous 1963 American University speech.       

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
David Mantik

Harrison E. Livingstone, Panjandrum: Secrets of the JFK X-rays

[Livingstone] was once a heroic pioneer in the medical evidence. His books (and Lifton's contributions, too) were invaluable introductions for me. For that I am still grateful to both. Unfortunately, ...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

Robert Rakove, Kennedy, Johnson and the Nonaligned World

Taken as a whole, this is a valuable book. When coupled with Muehlenbeck's Betting on the Africans, much needed light has now been cast over the specifics of Kennedy's dealings with the Third World: h...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

Robert Groden, Absolute Proof

Bob Groden has been a true champion of the case for the public. He has devoted much of his adult life trying to show that the Warren Commission was nothing but a sham meant to conceal the true facts o...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

Vincent M. Palamara, Survivor's Guilt

At the end, Palamara lists a very good chronicle of failures by the Secret Service in Dallas. It goes on for three pages. It is very provocative and even disturbing. The author uses it to crystallize ...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Gokay Hasan Yusuf

Dale Myers, With Malice (Part 2)

The second and concluding installment of a long and detailed critique of Myer's arguments for Oswald's culpability in the Tippit murder. ...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Gokay Hasan Yusuf

Dale Myers, With Malice (Part 1)

The first installment of a long and detailed critique of Myer's arguments for Oswald's culpability in the Tippit murder. ...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Joseph McBride

Dale Myers, With Malice: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Murder of Officer J. D. Tippit

Joseph McBride replies to Dale Myer's crticisms, concluding: "I am hardly surprised to be subjected to the same basically irrelevant treatment by an author who either refuses to deal seriously with th...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

Robert Dallek, Camelot's Court / An Unfinished Life

Dallek has designed both of his books along the lines that Larry Sabato did in The Kennedy Half Century. They are not full and complete works which try and capture all nuances and tendencies in an obj...

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