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John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

Bruce Riedel, JFK’s Forgotten Crisis

  After reading [this book], I was able to understand what this was all about—at least in a fundamental way. Also, my respect for President John F. Kennedy, which was already estimable,

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

Joan Mellen, Faustian Bargains

  A book rich in information which debunks the claims that Lyndon Johnson and Mac Wallace planned the JFK assassination, and includes an expert review of the fingerprint evidence demonstrating

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

An Introduction to the Book Excerpt: The Incubus of Intervention

Presentation by Jim DiEugenio of an excerpt from Greg Poulgrain's book on the Indonesia coup. ...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

Greg Poulgrain, The Incubus of Intervention

Jim DiEugenio calls this book "a provocative revisionist history of why the epochal coup in Indonesia happened as it did in 1965 ... [and which] has enlightened us on the crucial figures of Allen Dull...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

Jeffrey H. Caufield, M. D., General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy

If the reader is interested in knowledge about the inner workings of the radical right back in the fifties or sixties, then this is a useful book. But as far as relating that group to the murder of JF...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

John Newman, Where Angels Tread Lightly, Volume 1

What the author is doing has three layers.  First, he is giving us a history of the Castro revolution.  At the same time he is showing how the USA reacted to that epochal turnover, stage by ...

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