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John Fitzgerald Kennedy
David Mantik

Gagné Desperately Dispenses CPR for the Lone Gunman (Part 2)

In part 2 of this article, Dr. David W. Mantik continues his point-by-point responses to Michel Jacques Gagné’s analysis in the new book Thinking Critically about the Kennedy Assassination (2022...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
David Mantik

Gagné Desperately Dispenses CPR for the Lone Gunman (Part 1)

David W. Mantik responds to one of the newest books defending the Warren Commission, Thinking Critically about the Kennedy Assassination (2022) by Michel Jacques Gagné, with a genuine demonstration of...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

JFK VS LBJ: The MSM in Overdrive

The efforts by the mainstream media to malign the accomplishments and legacy of President Kennedy continue in force almost 60 years after his death, so Jim DiEugenio expands his new series thwarting t...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Martin Hay

The JFK Assassination Dissected by Cyril Wecht and Dawna Kaufmann

Martin Hay assesses The JFK Assassination Dissected by Dr. Cyril Wecht and Dawna Kaufmann and considers it a mostly worthwhile first or second book for anyone developing an interest in the subject, bu...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

Michel Gagne: On Not thinking Critically

Jim DiEugenio dips into the mire and provides a mercifully brief and even somewhat generous review of Michel Jacques Gagne ironically named book, Thinking Critically about the Kennedy Assassination, w...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

JFK: Case Not Closed

Jim DiEugenio reviews the recently released collaboration between Dave O’Brien and KennedysAndKing contributor Johnny Cairns entitled JFK Case NOT Closed: Key Evidence Dismissed, Ignored, Altere...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

How the MSM Blew the JFK Case, Part Two

Persisting in our probe into the complicity and participation of the mainstream media (MSM) in the enduring cover-up of the Kennedy assassination, Jim DiEugenio reviews Joseph McBride’s new book...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

How the MSM Blew the JFK Case, Part One

As we continue our analysis of the way the mainstream media (MSM) has reacted to Oliver Stone’s new documentary, Jim DiEugenio provides further background by reviewing Jim DeBrosse’s inter...

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