Tuesday, 19 March 2019 22:44

Paul Blake Smith, JFK and the Willard Hotel Plot

Written by Paul Bleau

Paul Bleau’s critical review of a book which argues that Carlos Marcello led the effort to assassinate JFK, sending Lee Harvey Oswald to Washington as part of a team meant to shoot the president from the Willard Hotel.

Thursday, 28 February 2019 22:24

John Newman, Countdown to Darkness, Volume 2

Written by James DiEugenio

In my opinion, Newman offers one of the best medium-length treatments of the Congo crisis I have read, writes Jim DiEugenio.

Friday, 08 February 2019 18:24

The Canadian Archives, Michele Metta, and the latest on Permindex

Written by John Kowalski

John Kowalski reviews Michele Metta's book about Permindex, CMC and the role of Italian fascists and freemasons in the JFK assassination, and also looks at the Louis Bloomfield papers and the recent lawsuits over their release.

Gayle Nix Jackson's 2017 collection of investigative vignettes surrounding the assassination of JFK provides both new evidence for researchers and presents many old facts in a new light.

From Michael's conclusion: Ganis’ book is an uncomfortable, freewheeling careen down strange dead-end tracks, with unannounced detours through cold dark streets full of faceless characters, and later, journeys through mirror-filled fun houses of speculation, with a final twist and turn that spits you out right over Niagara Falls, barrel and all.

Dr. Mantik states: “It is unique for me to write a second review, but too much remained unsaid after the first review. Wagner’s book clearly required more attention, especially since his profound mistakes are so often duplicated by the unenlightened mainstream media.”

(Robert Wagner has now responded to this second version; read it here)

Monday, 30 July 2018 18:25

Plaza Man: Robert Groden vs. the City of Dallas

Written by Frank Cassano

We’ve lost. They’ve won. Everywhere except in the court of public opinion. It’s sort of like watching a heavyweight prize-fight and having the guy who was knocked out declared the winner. The Power Elite says, “The public be damned! Who cares what they think?” Well, we do. And so does Bob Groden, writes Frank Cassano in this review of the 2014 documentary film about his battles with the City of Dallas and the Sixth Floor Museum.

Tuesday, 29 May 2018 04:23

Jim DeBrosse, See No Evil: The JFK Assassination and the U.S. Media

Written by Michael Le Flem

Michael Le Flem reviews a book about reporting on the JFK case by a reporter. The book starts out quite strong and rigorous, but about halfway through it goes off the rails. But the first part is worth reading.

Thursday, 29 March 2018 20:29

Jefferson Morley, The Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton

Written by James DiEugenio

The strength of the book lies in the tracing of the Oswald files through the CIA under Angleton’s dominion. No book on Angleton has done this before. And that is certainly a commendable achievement. Hopefully, this will become a staple of future Angleton scholarship, writes Jim DiEugenio.

The main reason why I am recommending this book is because it’s out there … I would much rather [regular, everyday people] bought a book like this one, than, say, one by Bill O’Reilly—or whoever the “other side’s” designated shill happens to be this week, observes Frank Cassano.

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